F Minus by Tony Carrillo for June 20, 2024

  1. Ubik
    Pharmakeus Ubik  10 days ago

    That’s the spirit!

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    nosirrom  9 days ago

    And if she says yes could you give her the check?

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    stukelele  9 days ago

    Hope for the best but plan for the worst!

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    Doug K  9 days ago

    Better yet … How about you just pay the whole bill now?

    And give me a big tip. I can make sure she doesn’t have any silverware to stab you with or condiments to throw at you.

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    walstib Premium Member 9 days ago

    I proposed to my wife in our favorite German restaurant when they brought the salad. Not down on my knees in front of everyone. That’s not my style. We’re more private. Still married almost 42 years.

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    Zen-of-Zinfandel  9 days ago

    A great wedding planner.

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  7. Bugs
    Grumpy Old Guy  9 days ago

    A man with a plan….

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    acevandriver  9 days ago

    That made me chuckle.

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    jim_pem  9 days ago

    Don’t ask that question unless you already know the answer.

    My wife-to-be was anticipating me proposing, so I got with her friends and cooked up a scheme. I sent her a hand-calligraphed invitation to a private romantic evening of food and dance. the “plan” was for me to set up the evening before and for her to go out with her friends that night. On their way out, they stopped by the “mansion” where the meal was going to be (we were friends with the nannie, who was also cooking a 7-course meal for us there) and had covertly brought her little black dress with them. I wore a tux. We had candles and roses (representing her late sister and my late mother), one of which had been aged with the ring in it to open slowly over the evening. I timed the night with the background music for eating and dancing, had recorded the background music for a final song I wrote where I sang the proposal to her holding the rose with the ring in it.

    I wasn’t getting a “no”. We’ve been married 29 years so far.

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    dv  9 days ago

    I think we can assume if she unwisely says yes, there will be a pre-nup involved

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    mistercatworks  9 days ago

    “Oh, and what are you doing after work?”

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  12. Dragonfire
    95  9 days ago

    Told my close girlfriend I couldn’t see proposing when I couldn’t even afford a good car. She promptly found me a great deal on a fine car, which I took as encouragement. Vows kept.

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    mbrahms26  9 days ago

    Men who make a public spectacle of marriage proposals in restaurants, sports arenas, pubs, whatever, on bended knee or not, should receive a curt rejection. They are clearly putting pressure on their girlfriends to say “yes” in front of a throng of strangers urging them to do just that! Otherwise, the men would be humiliated, right? Too bad. Marriage proposals should be a private affair. And why shouldn’t women have the right to propose marriage to their boyfriends? Not in public, either.

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