Gary Varvel for June 11, 2024

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    brit-ed  22 days ago

    Bull. If you want a rambling incoherent dictator throwing a tantrum on day one, that’s what Trump offers.No policies except tax cuts for the people paying to put him there and retaliation against anyone that was mean to him. Joy.

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    aristoclesplato9  22 days ago

    I doubt that. Just more fear mongering from the left. And so what if Trump did what the Dems are doing to Trump right now? Are they saying it’s wrong to do this?

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    JackReecher  22 days ago

    Now THAT’S funny!

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    2AndFour  22 days ago

    If you play with manure long enough then eventually the manure will hit you back.

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    truthsocialol  22 days ago

    “So I went to a boat company in South Carolina. The boat. I said, how is it. He said, it’s a problem sir, they want us to make all electric boats. So I said, lemme ask you a question. And he said nobody ever asked this question. And it must be because of my relationship with M.I.T., very smart, I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there’s a shark that’s now ten yards away over there. By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, and I watched some guy justifying it today, well, they were, they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry they misunderstood what who she was these people are crazy. He said there’s no problem with sharks they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming now who really got decimated and other people to, a lotta shark is so I said shark ten yards away from the boat, ten yards, or here, so I say do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted, because I will tell you he didn’t know the answer, he said, ya know, nobody’s ever asked me that question I said I think it’s a good question.

    I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water but you know what I’d do? If there was a shark? Or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time so we’re gonna end that we’re gonna end it for boats."

    donald trump, republican nominee

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    Valiant1943 Premium Member 22 days ago

    Anyone who knows Trump’s background would have thought he’d been convicted of countless crimes before this.

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    truthsocialol  22 days ago

    (Regarding the triple digit temperature at the rally)

    “Because I don’t want anyone going (dying) on me, we need every voter. I don’t care about you, I just want your vote. I don’t care.”

    donald trump, republican nominee

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    Grace's Border Security & Duct Tape  22 days ago

    Except that there won’t be any made up charges with an expired statute of limitations.

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    The Nodding Head  22 days ago

    Far right wing subversive Varvel wants to intimidate the American majority and protect the traitorous neo-fascist cult leader he worships. Are you scared?

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  10. Wile e coyote
    Totalloser Premium Member 22 days ago

    Nobody did anything to Trump, he did it all to himself. He’s just lucky that what is now the GOP base thinks he is one of them, and the rest of the GOP has to do his bidding if they want to get reelected. The Documents and Leading an Insurrection trails should have happened already, but his team is using the delay tactics. Even if he gets elected he should go on trail for his crimes

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    suzalee  22 days ago

    He did it to himself.

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    nodjt  22 days ago

    Seek justice for our crimes?

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    monya_43  22 days ago

    The felon45 has no remorse for his crimes. He wants to be able to commit them, deny committing them, continue to commit them and then not be held accountable.

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    DC Swamp  22 days ago

    Moonbat (the Urban Dictionary definition fits perfectly) AOC thinks Trump is gonna toss her in jail if he wins. I’m looking forward to the Canadian exodus!

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  15. Homoerectus
    fusilier  22 days ago

    You mean:

    Bend over backwards granting privileges that no one else had?


    James 2:24

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    davidthoms1  22 days ago

    Holding a criminal responsible for his crimes is bad why? Come on Gary answer that one!

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    Ontman  22 days ago

    Not even close Varvel. Nothing was DONE to THEM. Paranoia reigns supreme with MAGA.

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  18. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 22 days ago

    He was charged with a crime, given due process, allowed to post a defense and, after careful deliberation of the evidence, found guilty by a jury of his peers. That’s how it’s supposed to work, isn’t it?

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  19. Ab avitar
    Addled Brain  22 days ago

    The “Left” isn’t doing anything to Trump. The US Justice System is independent from any political party, except for cases, such as Clarence Thomas, on the Supreme Court, where Republican partisans are greasing his palm.

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    Al Fresco  22 days ago

    “ When they sow the wind, they will reap the whirlwind”. —- Chucky Cheese Schumer quotie from Hosea 8:7

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  21. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 22 days ago

    Trump is not being prosecuted by Biden, or by the Democrats. And, he is not being indicted for what he said, but for what he DID. The witnesses against him are Republicans.

    There is no need to question Trump’s guilt, in the trials coming up, he has it all videotaped or on audio recorder. He began the theme that the election was rigged and stolen from him and his supporters even before the election actually was held, stepping up that rhetoric as it became more apparent that he was going to lose. Once he did lose, his supporters filed 60 something court cases protesting the outcome, none of which he won, most of which were thrown out for lack of evidence. As soon as the election was called for Biden, he started sending out tweets calling for his supporters to gather in D.C. on January 6, ready to fight- or “they would not have a country’. He stopped the secret Service when they tried to keep those carrying weapons into his rally because “They aren’t here to hurt ME”. They actually believed that they were fighting for their country, and for the true President of United States against a fraud who had stolen the election. And, they greatly outnumbered the Capitol Police. He didn’t send any additional help, when it was obvious that the mob would overtake the Capitol and quite likely actually kill congress members, and refused to do so when it was requested.

    All of the witnesses against Trump are his own inner circle. He is not being accused by Democrats, not even run-of-the-mill Republicans, but by people HE CHOSE as his closest advisors. That is how Jack Smith got such detailed inside information. You can’t claim it is a witch hunt when it is your own flying monkeys that you sent out who are providing the evidence. Trump has been convicted of fraud because Trump is guilty, and he will be convicted in the election interference cases because he was dumb enough to videotape the crime.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  22 days ago

    Liar! Trump is a vicious criminal who promises to jail dems and has says that for 10 years. Republicans are insane to support vicious, fascist lying criminal Putin loving traitor Trump. and want to turn the freest country in the world into another right wing dictatorship. Varvel is a traitor to the country that raised him.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 22 days ago

    The left love to put fear of the incoming doom into people. If Trump wins.

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  22 days ago

    Marked safe from having to talk to my probation officer like felon Trump had to do.

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    DrDon1  22 days ago

    What does Varvel “gain” for being such a tRump sycophant?

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  26. Marx lennon
    charliekane  22 days ago

    From the perfect capture of the rotten sentiment of our time, “pawned” about 30 years ago:

    “Today I made and appearance downtown

    I am an expert witness, because I say I am

    And I said, ’Gentleman….and I use that word loosely…I will testify for you

    I’m a gun for hire, I’m a saint, I’m a liar

    Because there are no facts, there is no truth, just data to be manipulated

    I can get you any result you like….what’s it worth to ya?

    Because there is no wrong, there is no right

    And I sleep very well at night

    No shame, no solution

    No remorse, no retribution

    Just people selling t-shirts

    Just opportunity to participate in this pathetic little circus

    And winning, winning, winning"

    It was a pretty big year for predators

    The marketplace was on a roll

    And the land of opportunity

    Spawned a whole new breed of men without souls

    This year, notoriety got all confused with fame

    And the devil is downhearted

    Because there’s nothing left for him to claim

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  27. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 22 days ago

    And so he should.. Anyone, seriously anyone doing what trump did deserves to be locked up. AND.. would be extremely grateful if he got the same special treatment.

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  28. Unnamed
    Another Take  22 days ago

    Hold us accountable for our crimes and misdeeds? The Trump KoolAid has Gary believing that Trump didn’t do all those things that he has been found guilty of and has been fined millions and millions of dollars for and for which there is ample evidence against him for.

    HEY GARY! NOW DO ONE showing us how you can blithely ignore ALL THAT EVIDENCE!!!

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  29. Anti communist
    DefundFakeMedia  22 days ago

    Spot on! Too bad it’s just a show to move attention away from the real crimes of Biden‘s crime enterprise not to mention Evil Pelosi and the rest of the corrupt cronies int the current administration.

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  30. Carthago delenda est
    Carthago delenda est  22 days ago

    You mean like what the Republicans did to the Clintons starting back in the ’90s?

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    ncorgbl  22 days ago

    I don’t think so. The rule of law is being served by tRump. But tRump doesn’t believe in the rule of law.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 22 days ago


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  33. Unnamed
    Another Take  22 days ago

    I just learned that HUNTER WAS FOUND GUILTY! Trump must’ve weaponized the Justice System against him. SHAM TRIAL! RIGGED JURY! LAWFARE!

    (See how silly you sound, MAGA folks?)

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  34. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 22 days ago

    Another MAGAt LIE by Varvel.

    Trump was indicted by a grand jury and convicted of crimes he committed by a jury of his peers.

    Trump was afforded all protections of the law. The process was exactly as prescribed by law.


    Trump and his MAGAts are planning to imprison their opponents WITHOUT due process of any kind.

    No evidence, no indictment, NO fair trials.

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  35. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  22 days ago



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  36. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  22 days ago

    Bear in mind that every trumpublican accusation is an admission.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 22 days ago

    Nixon scuttled the Vietnam peace talks because of the belief that war presidents win elections. Disgusting how many more people had to die and the destruction continued.

    Reagan interfered with President Carter’s talks with Iran. Then he and his team committed treason with Iran-Contra.

    The Repubs have been attacking the Clintons for DECADES. Whitewater didn’t come up with anything, so Kavanaugh (oh the irony) told Starr to look for “personal dirt”. Gingrich and Livingston had to resign as Speakers because of their own infidelities, so we ended up with teen molester Denis Hatert.

    Trump told the Repubs to block the BIPARTISAN bill to address border issues and Ukraine because he didn’t want President Biden to get a “win”. Now Mike Johnson is whining about it being an EO that was “too little, too late”, which is ridiculous.

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    Just A Guy  22 days ago

    Asking him to face a jury of his peers to determine if he was guilty of the crimes of which he was accused is so unfair!

    I know, I know. Not one of the jury members took hundreds of millions of dollars from his daddy to blow on bankrupting casinos, so of course they were not his peers.

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  39. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  22 days ago

    Trump and Putin will end the free western world, just what fascists like Varvel want.

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    gccowboy27  21 days ago

    He should have stuck with the snake story. But give him credit for not blabbering on about destroying Democracy like the “Weekend at Bernie’s” president who has shown a talent for dictating keeps repeating and his actions that prove he was a dictator: hammer racial differences to turn one group of citizens against another; no vaccine, you’re out of a job; no more combustion engines, buy an e-car; no gas range in your kitchen; “If yoiu don’t vote for me you’re not black”; pass more laws to disarm citizens.Then, when you don’t look good in the polls, get the appoint an illegitimate special investigation committee to dream up charges to keep your opponent from beating you in an election. If it goes unchecked, no future politician or person on any level will be safe from the Weaponization of our “rule of law”

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    Pluggergirl  21 days ago

    Just for you Trump haters: HAVE AN ULTRA MAGA DAY! Trump 2024!!!

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    dpatrickryan Premium Member 21 days ago

    Funny, I must have missed the dismantling of democracy and the subversion of the judicial and legislative branches to the whim of a despotic executive. I did, however, notice that a sitting president’s son got convicted with no judicial interference and no pardon. You know, the way justice is supposed to work?

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    tpcox928  21 days ago

    In order for Trump to do to Biden what the MAGA acolytes claim Biden is doing to Trump, Biden would first have to pay off women with whom he had affairs while his wife was home with their newborn, all to hide that affairs from the voters; urge his supporters to try and overthrow the government and interfere with a free and fair election, and the transfer of power; and, take several thousand documents with him when he leaves, documents he was not entitled to, refuse to return them when asked to, move them around and hide them, lie in response to a subpoena, and then lie again in responding that all documents had been returned.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 21 days ago

    No he won’t…….

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