ViewsBusiness by Cartoon Movement-US for June 20, 2024

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    timbob2313 Premium Member 9 days ago

    From what I have been reading it appears that most of the EU[including the UK] is tired of immigrants and doesn’t want anymore

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 9 days ago

    So many of the contingent opposed to people immigrating northward from areas south of the USA and Europe are the same group which is ideologically invested in AGW Climate Change denial, while the recent four decades of exceptionally negative outcomes from AGW Climate Change result in conditions — aridity and consequent economic collapse & enormous land areas rendered uninhabitable for almost all life forms, an associated increase in criminal gangs comprised in part of locals no longer able to farm or find employment (but also significant numbers of individuals not opposed to violent theft as a lifestyle) — which inevitably result in mass migration from those areas to anywhere where opportunity still exists for sustainability — defined as availability of water, food, employment, and survivable climatological conditions.

    Current numbers of migrating humans are predicted to increase annually henceforth, barring reverse of worsening climate conditions. Current estimates of human migration for a decade have predicted a likely tenfold increase from today’s rate.

    This prediction, however, was proffered prior to recent discovery of increased melt rate of the Thwaites Glacier. There is insufficient data as of today for an extremely accurate determination of the accelerated (compared to predictions before this recent melt rate discovery) Thwaites melt rate, but even the minimum rate now observable is many times greater than estimates made at any point over the past decade. Worst case: 11’ of sea level rise by 200 (goodbye, NYC & a whole bunch of other major / minor coastal metropolis sites and adjacent areas.

    Google “Thwaites Glacier melt discovery”, but maybe do so while seated on a toilet — because what has only recently been observed ought to scare the $hit right out of you.

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