Rob Rogers for June 20, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  10 days ago

    Plus, of course, the wax has melted.

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  2. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  10 days ago

    Icarus being a previous incarnation of Boeing. Shoddy workmanship and nothing to do with wax melting. Seriously who in their right mind would use wax as a glue?

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  3. Great view up here
    comixbomix  10 days ago

    Flew too close to a lie.

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  4. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 10 days ago

    Bwahahaha! It’s so true!

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 10 days ago

    “You might as well be walking on the sun!” – Smashmouth

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  6. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 9 days ago

    If Climate Change Denier is near the coast, he could just lie down where the beaches used to be and let the warm waters of the rising seas put out the fire.

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  7. Flag for ukraine 1f1fa 1f1e6
    eclairewl Premium Member 9 days ago

    Big smile for this one.

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    aristoclesplato9  9 days ago

    Hard to buy into the BS when the forecast includes snow in the northwest. It’s summer. It’s a heat wave. Happens every year. But the snow this late in the season is the outlier.

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  9. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  9 days ago

    Ari, whoever coined the term Global Warming did all you deniers a real service. It gives you wonderful memes to try and deny the facts. If it had been called what it actually is “Catastrophic Climate Shift” it might have caused a few of the less lib hating folks on the right to pay attention sooner.

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  10. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  9 days ago

    Dumcirus could even make wax wings

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    robcarroll1213  9 days ago

    Not sure I know of anyone (Republicans!) who believe climate change (Republicans!) is a hoax anymore (Republicans!)

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    Dangerguy  9 days ago

    Again, ask those people in India (and those in Mecca, celebrating the Hajj) if this is a “normal summer.” Ask those people in Phoenix whose A/C used to do the job but is not up to the new heat. Climate change entails wildly different weather patterns. Yeah, it gets snowy sometimes in the winter while in the southern hemisphere they’re having record heat.

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    davidthoms1  9 days ago

    The deniers ignore the facts! Even what they, themselves, experience.

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    mac04416  9 days ago

    It’s not going back. You’ve got to adapt. Its a fact that creatures that don’t adapt go extinct.

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    tpcox928  9 days ago

    The climate scientists could have called it Orange Marmalade and the portfolio over plants folks would have responded the same way.

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  16. Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 6.32.06 pm
    librarylady59  9 days ago

    Do these climate deniers not have children? Grandchildren? Nieces or nephews? Friends with young ones? Do they foolishly believe their money will shield them and those they ‘love’ from the catastrophic changes? If the conservatives are panicked about immigration now, just wait until climate refugees start rushing the border.

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  17. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 9 days ago

    The hoax.. is the cause. while blaming fossil fuels they ignore all the little fires making supper, ignore the massive heat holding cities, ignore all the farmland that was once covered in forests, the parking lots.. the highways. Our growing population.. and “all” the things that give us comfort are what could be driving climate change. Fossil fuels may be only a small part of that but easy to make the villain.

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 days ago

    Oh look, its Sun.

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  19. Chip and dale playing 3
    dickanders Premium Member 9 days ago

    Just like denying the change in weather related catastrophes, we can deny the increasing cost of dealing with them, and the increased property taxes, higher property insurance premiums, and death and destruction of entire communities. But, it’s not going to get better. Now that it is starting to affect the rich and politically connected, some changes will begin…

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  20. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 9 days ago

    LOL! The fossil fuel worker mentions parking lots, but pray tell us, what are most of those parking lots surfaced with? And more roads are paved with asphalt than concrete.

    And more to the point he ignores the exponential growth of the usage of fossil fuels. And gosh, it must be some danged coincidence that the CO2 in the atmosphere is also on an exponential growth… couldn’t possibly be due to burning fossil fuels, right? Well, only in the minds of the delusional.

    Most of the population growth was in countries with poor populations unable to own a gas guzzling SUV or pickup truck. So he needs to look at per capita use by country…. USA, still number 1!

    Global warming is not a hoax. It is real, it is measurable, and the effects are showing up in so many ways that I would need to write a book. Tell all the plants and animals that have to adjust to the warming by moving to cooler regions (or die because they can’t) that they are part of a hoax. You’ll look so darned intelligent doing so, no?

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  21. Video snapshot
    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 9 days ago

    Good graphs here:

    ourworldindata . org / fossil-fuels

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    readfred  9 days ago

    “Catastrophic climate shift”? Nah; they wouldn’t get it. The words are too long…

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  23. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  9 days ago

    As a matter of objective reality, recent years are among the hottest since records began. Three possibilities: it’s all due to natural causes. It is completely caused by human activity. Or a combination. Another matter of objective reality: climate change deniers are either imbeciles or lunatics. (Or a combination…..)

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  24. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 9 days ago

     Climate-Change Deniers in Stalingrad

    Remember the Battle of Stalingrad during WW2? The German juggernaut ran into a ferocious rear-guard action from the Soviet defenders who battled street by street, block by block, building by building, always moving back only a notch before fighting even more fiercely from the next fortified position behind them. The battle had a foregone conclusion, but that didn’t stop the fanatical defenders from laying down the last Russian life over the last centimetre of Stalingrad.

    So it has been with climate-change deniers. Each week their commissars pass down the latest rallying cries, which are faithfully, frequently, and loudly chanted by the troops each time they’re forced to move back another next block. Here’s a sampling:

    What’s global warming?

    There is no global warming.

    You’re making that up.

    That’s a hoax.

    That’s the biggest hoax ever perpetrated.

    There’s a conspiracy to promote this stupid hoax.

    Sure, there are seasonal fluctuations. So what?

    We’ve had long stretches of abnormally warm weather before.

    What makes you think the glaciers are retreating?

    Well, that’s not ALL glaciers.

    OK, nice photos, but the polar ice cap hasn’t budged.

    Are you going to listen to those crazy tree-hugging alarmists?

    That wasn’t what those very same scientists said 5 years ago.

    Look at these e-mails where the conspirators discussed their research.

    Scores of climatologists disagree.

    It’s not as bad as they’re claiming.

    So there’s open water in the Arctic; Greenland’s still all ice.

    It’s going to take a long time to be noticeable.

    The UN. Aren’t those the black-helicopter guys?

    What difference will it make to the average joe?

    It’s not QUITE as bad as they’re claiming.

    Dozens of climatologists disagree.

    Solar cycle.

    The polar ice cap grew ALMOST all the way back this winter.

    We’ll have centuries to get ready.

    1 degree? You’re getting excited about ON

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  25. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 9 days ago

    Al Gore doesn’t deserve a Nobel Peace Prize.

    It’s preposterous to think that humans can affect the whole planet.

    El Niño.

    It’ll barely be noticeable in our lifetimes.

    A dozen climatologists disagree.

    It’s a plot by Big Environment.

    2 degrees? Over HOW long?

    Well, there’s nothing WE can do about it.


    Humans are small potatoes in the overall scheme of things.

    This will take decades before it affects us.

    Not all climatologists agree.

    Do you have any idea how much money you’re talking about?

    It can change 30 degrees overnight. What’s a mere 3 degrees?


    I’m shoveling snow today. Global warming, ha ha ha!

    The effects of humans have been exaggerated.

    Look, here’s a climatologist who disagrees.

    Al Gore flies in corporate jets.

    There’s nothing we can do about it.


    Humans are adaptable.

    We’ve got years to get ready.

    4 degrees? Is that like 7 degrees of separation, ha ha?

    We don’t want to act too hastily.

    If it’s not primarily our fault, why should we pay for it?

    It’s wonderful that the Northwest Passage has finally opened up.

    Let’s not get carried away listening to only one extreme.

    Scores of climatologists think we can save Holland.

    Benghazi! Gun-grabbers! CRT! Hunter’s laptop! Squirrel!

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  26. Images
    banjoAhhh!   9 days ago

    It will never be stopped. There are far too many sacrifices all must make and the likelihood that the big companies that are causing the problem will not change their behavior. Personally,I think the companies should be charged with crimes against humanity.

    People aren’t going to agree with me, but capitalism and its demand for ever-growing profits is what has caused this problem. Capitalism provided all of the filth we live with. It should be done away with toot sweet.

    Civilizations have had many different economies thru-out history. We can create a far less wasteful economy than capitalism.

    1 more item for my rant. Our epoch should not be called the Anthropocene. It should be called the Capitalprocene.

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  27. Large profile2 2
    truthsocialol  9 days ago

    “global warming is a concept created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

    -donald trump, 2015

    “permission is requested to erect a coastal protection wall at trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland, in County Clare to prevent erosion due to rising rising sea levels and extreme weather this century, due to global warming and its consequences.”

    -donald trump, 2018

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  28. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  9 days ago

    The fall was short, more of a drop and roll.

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    Rich Douglas  9 days ago

    My left wing liberalism has raised me up from a child on welfare and Medicaid to be in the top 4% as I approach retirement. I have the means to protect and comfort myself myself in the face of global warming. I’m going to move to a cooler locale, I have the means to pay for all the air conditioning I want, etc. How ya doin’ with it, Red Hat cultists?

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    sincavage05  9 days ago

    And as he got closer, the feathers melted. He is rumored to have gone down in flames and a wax figure was discovered in the sea. He never tried that again.

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  31. Lifi
    rossevrymn  8 days ago

    It would be funnier is he was barefoot, and his shorts were half burnt off.

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