Jack Ohman for June 19, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  10 days ago

    When the "justice"s rule on technology they almost always get it wrong. You’d think that they might learn… but I guess they have a special framed version of Dunning-Kruger syndrome… because they’re, you know, Justices of the Supreme Court and all. So they feel that if you just explain it right they’ll understand it fully enough to make a good ruling.

    But in this case, I think they ruled how they were paid off to rule, (im)pure and simple, and found a narrow way to make it seem like they actually thought about it.

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    pamela welch Premium Member 10 days ago

    Powerful artwork Jack, sadly so :-(

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    think it through  10 days ago

    There, by the law, not a machinegun. But similar and after the first shot not every accurate due to moving the gun. If they want to, like trump did, outlaw them Congress should change the law. Only used in one mass shooting because there only good for firing indiscriminately into a large crowd where a right-winger doesn’t care who or how many he kills. Notice that there are no left-wing mass shootings.

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    Ontman  10 days ago

    Yes. They did a bang-up job.

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 10 days ago

    I did not know that buildings were attached to guns these days! What will they think of next?

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  6. Pak1ro5jn6k81
    steveandeileen  9 days ago

    And now MAGA can whine more about ‘crime’.

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    sandflea  9 days ago

    Congress enacts legislation but they don’t think the laws apply to them. SCOTUS interprets laws the way they want them to be followed, whether they’re right or wrong. To hell with common sense or precedent.

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    fitzmagnus  9 days ago

    Imagine the Pinhead from Pin Point, saying ‘Congress will fix this!’ and then laughing with Piggy until the tears roll down

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