Eric Allie for June 25, 2024

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    thelordthygod666  8 days ago

    Sure Eric, the far left is the big problem in America. [sigh]

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    Odon Premium Member 8 days ago

    I thought this was a Joey toon, then realized the art was better. Otherwise…

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    piper_gilbert  8 days ago

    Far-Right Militias Pose Greatest Threat to US National Security. I call BS on your BS, Eric Allie.

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  4. Sunimage
    Sun  8 days ago

    Far Left Extremists pose a safety concern. Riots, looting, breaking out windows of small business owners, blowing up cars and other vandalism among their own communities during the 2020 riots is an unfortunate example.

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    Rhetor  8 days ago

    The dog here labeled “Far Left” appears to be foaming at the mouth, i.e., rabid. Dogs thus infected are usually killed, not out of anger or hatred or as a matter of justice, but simply as a matter of hygiene for the sake of the human community. (There’s a well-known fictional example in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.) Is this toon advocating a similar response to the “far left,” perhaps as personified by the group of congressional representatives known as “the squad”? There’s a passage in Plato (the philosopher, not the troll: Protagoras 322c-d) in which Zeus decrees that response to sociopathy, defined as an inability to partake of dikē (justice, right) and aidōs (respect, shame). Now where on the American political spectrum do we find such inability?

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  6. Marx lennon
    charliekane  8 days ago

    Where’s the frothy mouthed orange cur?

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  7. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  8 days ago

    Too late, Donkey.

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  8. Pine marten3
    martens  8 days ago

    Pathetic offering from Allie—-as usual.

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    Ontman  8 days ago

    Allie and his MAGA crowd are the ones dragging the country down to Trump’s level.

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  10. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 8 days ago
    I was in Ferguson, and it was “mostly” peaceful. There were incidents that were violent and they were reported. I wasn’t there for them, so I don’t know how accurately, but I was with my group from Occupy and we saw nothing that wasn’t peaceful. Same is true of Jan 6th. Most of the people who were there were not involved in any violence, and quite likely weren’t even aware that it was happening. That doesn’t mean violence didn’t happen in either instance.

    The difference is that no Democrats instigated or encouraged violence. None were in a position to stop it and failed to do so. No Democratic politician sent out tweets encouraging people to " Be there, It’s going to be wild" No democratic politician held an event that, when told that people were carrying guns, instructed secret service protecting him to " Let them in, they aren’t here to hurt ME". And no Democrat instructed those same people to march on the Congressional building and “Fight like hell, or you won’t have a county anymore.”

    It just isn’t valid to assume that any violence that isn’t Republican sponsored must by default be sponsored by Democrats.

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  11. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 8 days ago

    Just curious, I wonder what Allie considers “The Far Left”.

    Strong labor unions? A high standard of medical care for women and children? Exceptional public education? A demand that our leaders behave in an ethical, moral way?

    And how does ANY of this relate to a rabid, wild, out of control hellbeast?

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    rmike7842  8 days ago

    Yes, the far end of both sides can appear like that. The point is how we reckon with them. The far-left hate Biden and the far right venerate Trump. Because of that, the far left will continue to be marginalized and of limited influence. Whereas the far right will continue to be embraced and used to set tone and policy.

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    DC Swamp  8 days ago

    The left of today makes Obama appear centrist and Bill Clinton a conservative.

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  14. Yin yang
    Havel  8 days ago

    Quite telling that a right-winger can not fathom an organization that has members with diverse views. Must be in lock-step and follow the Dear Leader, right?

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  8 days ago

    Name something from the far left.

    The Confederate insurrectionist party of extremist right wing felon Trump the would be dictator is dangerous to humanity.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 7 days ago

    Eric, define the agenda of the “far left” that President Biden is being dragged by.

    Trump and Repub House state they want more tax cuts for the corporations and the wealthy. They want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Trump offered even more tax cuts and removing regulations on fossil fuels if those execs gave him a billion in campaign funds.

    There was a BIPARTISAN bill to address the border and Ukraine funding, but YOUR orange menace told the Repubs that it was more important that President Biden Didn’t get a “win”.

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  7 days ago

    Far left = education and medical access for USA citizens, something the right opposes.

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    Just A Guy  7 days ago

    When did projection become the only thing that trumpublicans can do? The right is clearly the side in the US that has been taken over by extremists. See January 6th 2021 and the way all elected trumpublicans speak about it today for the only proof you need of that.

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    Rich Douglas  7 days ago

    Nonsense. Who stormed the Capitol again?

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    The Nodding Head  7 days ago

    And down goes Bowman to a mainstream Democrat, harshing your hallucinations.

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  21. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 7 days ago

    Allie believes that anyone who does not want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare are “Far Left”.

    And “Hang Mike Pence” is centrist.


    Trump Disciple analysis skills.

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    ShadowMaster  7 days ago

    The far-right has a larger dog

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  23. Nerd
    Ordinary Average Guy  7 days ago

    I came here not to view the comic, but to read the comments.

    They are usually funnier than the comic and have become entertainment to me— so much Progressive anger, so much free time. Please do continue.

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    davidthoms1  5 days ago

    The idiot fringe of the democrat party isn’t doing as well in the primaries as the idiot fringe of the Republican party is!

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