Henry Payne for June 30, 2024

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 4 days ago

    It can’t be anymore obvious how much Payne loves that bloated windbag. As I said yesterday; MAGAts joyfully eat up the BS tRump spouts.

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 4 days ago

    MAGAt Payne obviously worshiping His Messiah.

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    Al Fresco  4 days ago

    Joe Biden’s performance was so bad that CNN and MSNBC pundits said he lost the debate. Even Trump haters like Morning Joe, Mikka Brzenzski, Sunny Hosten, and even Joy Reid concluded he was not up to the job. The NYTimes, big-time Hollywood donors, Democrat members of Congress and party leaders have said he should step down as a candidate. They were telling us something those of us that watch Fox News have known for years. Joe Biden is now nor will he ever be again an effective president. He should consider resigning the presidency before the Cabinet exercises the 25th Amendment.

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  4. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  4 days ago

    Paynefully dumb

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  5. Yin yang
    Havel  4 days ago

    Yes, Trump’s constant torrent of lies would cause anybody’s screw to loosen. It was dizzying to watch & listen to it. Roy Cohn’s pupil learned his lessons well.

    More broadly, watching Democrats’ angst about their presumptive nominee when compared to GOP completely ignoring the firehose of bool$hit coming out of their presumptive candidate is telling.

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  6. Pat new 150
    Patjade  4 days ago

    The person I saw with loose screws was CF Fraudfather. Yes, Biden had a bad debate and was slow on responses, but the Adderall-addled, cocaine-fueled BS being spouted by CF Fraudfather only reinforced the fact that no sane person who respects this country and what it stands for should ever vote for him.

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  7. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  4 days ago

    It cracks me up to see Democrats try to spin that as a success. Calling a Trump a liar and a felon (Remember how everyone who signed the US Constitution was a felon for rebelling against tyranny and government oppression?).

    I loved how Joe lied about no US Troops dying under his watch. Nearly fell out of my chair laughing. Like how many people died in Afghanistan (Thirteen U.S. service members, including 11 Marines, one Army special operations soldier, and one Navy corpsman, were killed in the bombing at the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul) when we tucked our tail and fled?

    In Jan. 2024, U.S. Central Command confirmed that three U.S. service members were killed and at least 25 others were injured in a drone attack on an outpost in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border.

    Explain those lies will you? How disrespectful of the President to ignore them, but typical.

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  8. Screenshot 20180802 120401 samsung internet
    Kurtass Premium Member 4 days ago

    Funny how the trumpers compare their messiah trump to Jesus and the Founding Fathers. The Founding Fathers were traitors to England, but they declared their independence. trump is a traitor to our established government.

    As for Jesus (whom I think was made up), I don’t remember him as an adulteress, lying, raping grifter.

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  9. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 days ago

    I think.. Joe was over prepped. Much like most of us at school, studied all night.. know all the material.. have key answers written on your arm.. see the exam and, blank out.

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  10. Screenshot 2024 02 05 at 6.32.06 pm
    librarylady59  4 days ago

    I guess if one is too lazy or clueless, trump’s lies enter the ears and stay in the brain. Easier to allow one person decide what is truth and what is a lie. If trump should be president again, I’d like to know if they’re satisfied with his dictatorship after a year or so.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 4 days ago

    Yes it was a terrible night for Biden but keep in mind one thing. Trump didn’t win a debate but participated in it with his repeated lies like Nancy Pelosi was in chard on January 6th. At least he didn’t call her Nikki Haley. We need 2 fresh candidates from both parties not more of the same with 2 candidates past their due dates

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  12. Green hornet zcar avatar
    DatsunMan  4 days ago

    I think the spring and screw should be on the same side. It seems when loosing or taking out a screw that holds a spring, the spring will fly out like the one out of bidens head.

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  13. Picture
    Ontman  4 days ago

    Payne basically repeats his previous poorly drawn cartoon. Yawn.

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  14. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 4 days ago

    OK, Biden was awful. He is old and to be honest about it debating was never his strong point. And, it is difficult to produce proof of the fact that practically every thing Trump said was a lie. So, why am I still voting for Biden? Because his record includes:

    Inherited worst unemployment and crashed economy in a hundred years and turned it around into unprecedented economic growth and success.

    Dragged us out of covid epidemic that would have been much lees of a problem if Trump hadn’t dismantled the agency Obama set up to handle epidemics.Believes in global warning and efforts to reduce the damage it will cause

    Most jobs created of any first term president

    Lower drug pricesLowest prolonged unemployment in 60 years

    Bringing inflation down

    Wage growth exceeds inflation

    Capping credit card late fees and limiting junk fees in other businesses

    Student loan forgiveness

    Record stock market highs

    Reduced annual budget deficit every year

    Passed first bi-partisan gun legislation in thirty years

    Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

    Strengthened relations with NATO and other allies

    Delivered BIPARTISAN BORDER BILL before Trump ordered it blocked and obstructed so he could keep his top wedge issue unsolved and run on a problem that exists solely because of Trump.

    Achieved all of this despite unprecedented Republican obstruction and despite having literally the narrowest possible Senate majority (50-50 in his first two years) and a vice president who set the all-time record for most tie-breaking votes in all of U.S. history.


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    piper_gilbert  4 days ago

    I won’t make my decision on who to vote for over a “pop quiz.” Not voting for a convicted criminal is my baseline.

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  16. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  4 days ago

    Joe Scarborough then: “F-You if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden is the Best Biden Ever.”

    Joe Scarborough now: “Well, never mind. You don’t really have to F-You.”

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  17. The eye of god
    Woodstock Generation Premium Member 4 days ago

    Trump will destroy the economy like he did the last time he was in power. This time, if elected, he will do his best to destroy democracy and the status of the US in the world.

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    GiantShetlandPony  4 days ago

    Although, Traitor Trump acts like a child, he’s old too. Sure he puts on a lot of plaster to cover up his old face, but that does not make him young.

    Biden’s fault was planning too many other events for the day and his kindness in wanting to talk and listen to everyone.

    Have a debate at 9 in the morning and let’s see if Traitor Trump can stay awake for more than 10 minutes.

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    ncorgbl  4 days ago

    tRump lost the debate to Biden who had a terrible debate. tRump confirmed his rapist judgement, his being a convicted felon, and his monumental lying.

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  20. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member 4 days ago

    Biden started out slow but got stronger towards the end. He was more presidential, more likeable and much more truthful. He was fighting a cold and his stutter. Tiny started out strong but full of flatulence, lies and vitriol. He was unwilling or unable to say if he would respect the results of the election 3 or 4 times. The biggest failures of the debate were the moderators who for some reason did not call tiny out on his constant lies.

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  21. Wtp
    superposition  4 days ago

    “… NEW YORK (AP) — There were some exhaustive, independent fact checks of claims made during the CNN debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Trouble was, none of them were available to the millions of people watching the two presidents in real time.

    That was the result of CNN’s decision ahead of Thursday’s debate that moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper would be questioners, not arbiters. Supporters of President Biden were frustrated, since Trump was later flagged for more misleading statements than his rival, and it served to put greater emphasis on the Democrat’s tepid performance.

    At the same time, it emphasized a puzzle the media has yet to solve after nine years of Trump operating in the public arena as it relates to the presidency.

    “I think that there is a very real question about whether it is possible to fact-check Donald Trump live on television,” said Jane Hall, author of “Politics and the Media: Intersections and New Directions” and an American University journalism professor. “He has confounded many different formats.” …"

    — apnews .com/article/trump-biden-debate-fact-checks-67b6decb148e7199a5ca9d44e126fea8

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    Its Big Lie Trump, the oath breaking insurrectionist and republican fascist dictator.

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    sedrelwesley2 Premium Member 4 days ago

    BITE ME HP! You’d rather elect an s o b liar.

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    j.l.farmer  4 days ago

    Trump gave 30000 false and misleading statements during his presidency. I am sure that continued during the debate. Did anyone fact check his answers? I have heard all his lies since he announced he was running for president this first time. If anything, he has gotten a lot better at it since his obsession with refusing to accept the results of the 2020 election. Once a liar and a cheat, always a liar and a cheat. I am not willing to give up my freedom to live under a dictator, are you!!!!

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    apfelzra Premium Member 4 days ago

    Biden’s poor and awkward debate performance pales in comparison with the unending blather of distortions, exaggerations and, mostly, outright lies emanating from Trump. His smirks did him no honor, either. All he could talk about was how wonderful he was and how much people compliment him. His cult of personality is tragic and disastrous for America.

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  26. Aoh14gihmiai6zptchf2goyoj0ustxhzrae8mjgwolxr
    ElwoodP  2 days ago

    The Democrat voters know that re-electing Joe Biden (aka Ham Sandwich) will be fine beause the puppet-master Osamabama in the background will be able to continue running the show for another 4 years.

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    tpcox928  2 days ago

    Funny thing about the debate; read the transcript and Biden got better as the debate went on. He adjusted to the fact that Trump was not answering any of the questions, just spouting one lie after another.

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    dlw54650 Premium Member 1 day ago

    The Heritage Foundation and the MAGA Republicans are doing everything in their power to divide the citizens of the U.S.A. The billionaires are fighting tooth and nail to keep their obscenely inflated profits and to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. They been steadily working toward an oligarchy where they are the favored few and all other citizens are the serfs who serve them.

    They are also the ones pushing the “whispers” that President Biden is not up to the job over one bad debate.

    The next day, President Biden showed up in North Carolina looking like his usual self, but one appearance that was subpar and the media pounced. I think we should cut him a little slack for ONE bad night.

    President Biden has done more actual presidential work, including travelling from continent to continent, successfully managing both foreign and domestic policies better than most of his predecessors. President Biden has also shown more stamina than most younger people (including those who are calling for him to step down) year after year, month after month, week after week, day after day. No one can realistically say that he has been ineffective as a president.

    Democrats need some more “Ride or Die” loyalty, instead of “If it’s not perfect, then I don’t want it.” Stop being a fair-weather friend!

    Don’t allow the malignant forces at work to throw away Joe Biden, the best president we have had in my lifetime

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  29. Gocom avatar
    Omega Man  1 day ago

    Please don’t give up your candidacy Joe. There are over 80 million voters out there, dead and alive, that don’t have a frontal cortex and want to vote for you.

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    tpcox928  about 18 hours ago

    Al, sorry, a lot of people disagree with you. Get a transcript. Fact check it. Biden never should have tried to respond to all of Trump’s lies; he should have ignored them and answered the question. Not effective? Jeez, let me know when you want to accurately, using facts, compare records.

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