Chip Bok for July 02, 2024

  1. Pat new 150
    Patjade  5 days ago

    Still better than a convicted felon, if the only thing you can go on about is a laugh, Baghdad Bok.

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    pasharuzam Premium Member 5 days ago

    Another stupid, ignorant drawing from a purveyor of lies and disinformation. And again yet another vicious attack on VP Harris without any explanation. Bok is seems to be proud to display his ignorance, stupidity and biases.

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    Pogostiks Premium Member 5 days ago

    UNfortunatelty Kamala is robably a major part of teh reason Biden has such low poll numbers; Everyone realizes that she wold become teh President if he died, and her poll numbers are lower than his are! If she had announced 6 onths ago that she would not be his running mate next November he could have found someone who Ameriocans find more viable – and he would have improved his chances immensely; The probelm with Liberals is that because of their attachment to POlitical Correctness, they put ideals ahead of pragmatism. Keeping a black woman as the running mate is more important to tehm than winning!

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    DC Swamp  5 days ago

    Diversity pick.

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    mourdac Premium Member 5 days ago

    RIP Rule of Law and MAGats cackle with glee. How low this nation has sunk.

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    aristoclesplato9  5 days ago

    Sometimes, polls do not lie.

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    grillman0515  5 days ago

    Q: What would be worse than electing a demented orange president? A: Having a demented and corrupt Supreme Court.

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    robcarroll1213  5 days ago

    “Hahaha! Once again I’ve decided to completely ignore Trump’s dementia, racist/sexist comments, his love of Putin/Xi/Jong Un, his hatred of America and oh yeah…the fact that he’s a convicted felon!”

    ~Chip “I’m a Chump For Trump!” Bok

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    Dangerguy  5 days ago

    So you’re going to reject the Vice President because of her LAUGH???? I have read several articles suggesting that the nay-sayers have Kamala all wrong. And one suggested as a former prosecutor she’d be too conservative.

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  10. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  5 days ago

    Harris’ favourbility number is higher than bidens what are you talking about?

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  11. Wtp
    superposition  5 days ago

    Do ad hominem attacks tell us anything specific about the target’s policies — or are they just a very low form of humor?

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    suzalee  5 days ago

    Some men seem to have a problem with women who laugh. They criticized Hillary for the same reason.

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    mac04416  5 days ago

    That debate was so terrible, no one is talking about Trump possible VP anymore.

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    Ontman  5 days ago

    Bok keeps his misogynistic, racist reputation intact.

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    ShadowMaster  5 days ago

    A convicted felon

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 days ago

    Lying Traitor Criminal Trump is totally insane then.

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member 4 days ago

    “We have a demented president, what could be worse?”

    A demented old president with fascist tendencies and a proven track record of failure last term. Sharks or batteries?

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    ChristopherBurns  4 days ago

    So your biggest complaint about VP harris is that you don’t like her laugh?

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 days ago

    Easy to be a quarterback critic.. But Joe has made a couple of major mistakes. He should not have thrown his hat in the ring for the second round.. but he has. And, he should not have kept Kamela on as VP. She never proved herself as a strong alternative during this tenure and as a possible president given Joe’s age.. is bringing Joe’s chances of winning to slim. The only chance the democrats have is to dump Kamela and pick a strong articulate new VP that has the voice to take trump on.

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  20. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    The right wing anti Constitution Supreme Court gave Biden the power to arrest criminal Trump.

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  4 days ago

    The Dems picked her, the Dems have got her, and the Dems can’t get rid of her. The Dems are in a real bind. Whoever they dump doesn’t get them any closer to winning in November. Cackle, Cackle, Cackle.

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    BB71  4 days ago

    Great comic Chip. Keep up the good work. Joe should be arrested for murder. His border policy killed dozens.

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  23. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member 4 days ago

    So what toad sucking boot licker has tRump chosen as his veep?

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 days ago

    I think the right wing Supremist Cucks said it was illegal to harass the president of the USA.

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    piper_gilbert  4 days ago

    No context? No evidence or example? Are we just smearing now?

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    ncorgbl  4 days ago

    We had a demented president, and a vice president that attracted flies and was almost hanged.


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    cfkelley  4 days ago

    Who put the Kam in the Kamalama Ding Dong?

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  28. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  4 days ago

    Once you’ve gone DEI, you’re stuck with DEI. Eh, Democrats? At least, it’s a small diversion from your current waking dream. The reason you’re so collectively angry at being gaslit on Joe Biden’s incapacity is that you understand that you’re the ones that have done the gaslighting.

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  29. Carthago delenda est
    Carthago delenda est  4 days ago

    If you had provided me with an alternative to Biden/Harris, I’d have considered voting for her. Trump is not an alternative. He’s a lunatic and an authoritarian. I’ll vote for a piece of toast before I vote for him.

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    sincavage05  4 days ago

    The thought of Harris as president scares me more than trump.

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    dlw54650 Premium Member 4 days ago

    The Heritage Foundation and the MAGA Republicans are doing everything in their power to divide the citizens of the U.S.A. The billionaires are fighting tooth and nail to keep their obscenely inflated profits and to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. They been steadily working toward an oligarchy where they are the favored few and all other citizens are the serfs who serve them.

    They are also the ones pushing the “whispers” that President Biden is not up to the job over one bad debate.

    The next day, President Biden showed up in North Carolina looking like his usual self, but one appearance that was subpar and the media pounced. I think we should cut him a little slack for ONE bad night.

    President Biden has done more actual presidential work, including travelling from continent to continent, successfully managing both foreign and domestic policies better than most of his predecessors. President Biden has also shown more stamina than most younger people (including those who are calling for him to step down) year after year, month after month, week after week, day after day. No one can realistically say that he has been ineffective as a president.

    Democrats need some more “Ride or Die” loyalty, instead of “If it’s not perfect, then I don’t want it.” Stop being a fair-weather friend!

    Don’t allow the malignant forces at work to throw away Joe Biden, the best president we have had in my lifetime.

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    sedrelwesley2 Premium Member 4 days ago

    Buck you, Fok!

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    Rich Douglas  4 days ago

    Be careful what you wish for. She’s never lost an election.

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    My First Premium Member 4 days ago

    The original Hawk Tuah, spit on that thing.

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    elvisgirl3  3 days ago

    Really doesn’t change the ticket. joe won’t know where he is within months & the Hyena would be warming the seat anyway. Again they show Just how Stupid their base is. I guess that is the Only thing they are right about!

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 3 days ago

    @Chip Bok – Hilarious….and true!

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    IndyW  3 days ago

    “A political cartoon, also known as an editorial cartoon, is a graphic illustration or comic strip that expresses an artist’s opinion about a political or social issue or event. They often feature caricatures of public figures and can include symbols, satire, hyperbole, analogy, irony, and exaggeration.” And the left continually take them as fact and throw a tantrum when they feel it’s real.

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    calliarcale  3 days ago

    “She laughs funny.” That’s Bok’s coup d’etat for how to disqualify a woman from political office. That’s telling.

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    j.l.farmer  3 days ago

    Any time I have seen her on TV, she wasn’t laughing!

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