Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for July 23, 2024

  1. Missing large
    snsurone76  5 months ago

    I really wish this boring arc was over, already. And while I hate to admit it, the two dumb rubes are beginning to look more entertaining! Or is that the general idea?

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  2. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  5 months ago

    Maybe they should have made the tree assistants look like Dennis Day and Don Wilson.

    - – - -

    Three more classics available for the 23rd:

    Rick really should stick to the regular trails unless he’s in hot pursuit of a desperado.

    Everyone’s getting high after the Khat’s dinner, and it’s time to bring this story back around to World War Tobacco. Though I thought the Ally Khat was a combatant, he seems pretty impressed by a competitor’s product. Could be the wacky terbacky talking though.

    Joel and Rufus absolutely do not understand Nina’s anxiety, or they just don’t care. For supposedly being a friend, Joel really did Slim and Clovia dirty by trying to pull a fast one on ol’ Jeb.

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  3. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  5 months ago

    You’re a real “rip” Walt!

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  4. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  5 months ago

    To the tree trimmer: What are you, a tree trimmer or a dentist? Why don’t you try out for trim trimming practice or else move in with that misfit elf from the classic Rankin-Bass Rudolph Christmas animated special who refused to make toys and ended up being a dentist?

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  5. Pnutbowlavatar
    Thomas R. Williams  5 months ago

    That is a really bad position in which to hold a chain saw and would cause many small cuts to that logger’s arm. A pro would have one of those small vise/spikes which drive into the downed trunk and clamp the bar.

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  6. Study
    Uncle $crooge  5 months ago

    This has not only been a very boring story – tree falls down and gets cut up (YAWN) – but the jokes have been pathetically awful. When you think the strip can’t sink any lower, it somehow finds a way to do so. That takes a unique talent. Not a good talent but certainly a unique one.

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  7. 196261
    SofaKing Premium Member 5 months ago

    I worked at a tool rental store. Bulk saw chain was so cheap every rental got a new chain. Partially because anyone renting a chainsaw didn’t use it correctly and the cutters were often beyond sharpening. Plus when someone complained the saw wasn’t sharp when they rented it were shown the spools of new chain.

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  8. Large tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  5 months ago

    Saw jockey and Walt are hittin’ it off real good.

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  9. Study
    Uncle $crooge  5 months ago

    When you think about it, I doubt anyone would answer “sharpening my teeth” but rather “sharpening the teeth”. Sure, it tees up the vapid punch line but it isn’t the way a real person talks.

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  10. Missing large
    Buckaroobanzai  5 months ago

    worf endorses ferengi teeth sharpeners

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