Being able to re-code DNA would change the entire world. BUT, death is a part of life. As painful and heartbreaking as it is, it is necessary for the renewal of life. If no one died because of war, disease, etc, the world would be overcrowded and there would be mass starvation, slow lingering death. It is a Catch-22 situation. There is no winning, only losing.
How about that! While we were contemplating changing the world by becoming teachers, programmers, doctors, CEOs, and presidents, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Who, changed the world. (Just to name a few)
Qiset 4 months ago
Be like Buckaroo Bonzai and do both.
Carl Premium Member 4 months ago
Bill & Ted live on.
Gameguy49 Premium Member 4 months ago
Get rid of all illness and you will also have to get rid of reproduction. At over 8 Billion there are already too many of us.
DawnQuinn1 4 months ago
Being able to re-code DNA would change the entire world. BUT, death is a part of life. As painful and heartbreaking as it is, it is necessary for the renewal of life. If no one died because of war, disease, etc, the world would be overcrowded and there would be mass starvation, slow lingering death. It is a Catch-22 situation. There is no winning, only losing.
MeGoNow Premium Member 4 months ago
She’s thinking, “An amusing little simpleton. Hell do until we finish high school.”
poppacapsmokeblower 4 months ago
How about that! While we were contemplating changing the world by becoming teachers, programmers, doctors, CEOs, and presidents, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Who, changed the world. (Just to name a few)
At least teachers made a contribution too.
P51Strega 4 months ago
Having perfect health is great, but it loses a lot of it’s luster without music, art, and comedy. The world needs all kinds. Rock-on Toby.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member 4 months ago
“Be excellent to each other!”
cuzinron47 4 months ago
Clearly different agendas.
FrankSF Premium Member 4 months ago
It worked for Sir Brian May.
chief tommy 4 months ago
Shiela’s gonna dump him some day
ShortStraw 4 months ago
You are neither Bill nor Ted and sure as heck not a Wyld Stallyn