When you enjoy your work or at least appreciate that you’re doing something useful and getting paid for it time does fly, same as when you’re at home resting or doing stuff you enjoy. However if you hate your job and you keep looking at the clock it seems it will never get to quitting time.
C 4 months ago
Pick your poison
Purple People Eater 4 months ago
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Munch 4 months ago
Berle, I’ve got some bad news for you.
Niko S 4 months ago
When you enjoy your work or at least appreciate that you’re doing something useful and getting paid for it time does fly, same as when you’re at home resting or doing stuff you enjoy. However if you hate your job and you keep looking at the clock it seems it will never get to quitting time.
crazeekatlady 4 months ago
And if you dislike your job, and you don’t look at a clock, time still drags…38 years.
mistercatworks 4 months ago
They unplugged that clock fifteen years ago.
6turtle9 4 months ago
Time is an illusion, Berle, and so are you.
vacman 4 months ago
Totally off subject but… What do Kermit The Frog, Winnie The Pooh and Attila The Hun all have in common? The same middle name.