Is Peterson making up definitions? It was a burglary. It was a break-in. OTOH a burglary can be random. A heist is planned. So a carefully planned burglary is a heist, Peterson is making an artificial distinction here. But he has a point – this was a gang at work.
GirlGeek Premium Member 3 months ago
He did get robbed
LawrenceS 3 months ago
Is Peterson making up definitions? It was a burglary. It was a break-in. OTOH a burglary can be random. A heist is planned. So a carefully planned burglary is a heist, Peterson is making an artificial distinction here. But he has a point – this was a gang at work.
crookedwolf Premium Member 3 months ago
Thank you, Mr. Sanchez, for being polite about answering your phone!
Ruth Brown 3 months ago
It has been so long that I’ve forgotten the back story. Father and daughter weren’t speaking…?
Ellis97 3 months ago
A heist, huh? Sounds pretty serious.
DM2860 3 months ago
Just in case you did not figure out the connection before now.
alexius23 3 months ago
This seems to be an older episode
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 3 months ago
So a heist is a souped-up burglary. And we see Nicole to remind us exactly what the relations are. Well done.
locake 3 months ago
Why would his warehouse be all over the news? This kind of robbery would not make the news. I wonder who put the word out? And who did the robbery?
Rhetorical_Question 3 months ago
How did the media get the news? Did Capt Ruiz notify them?
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 3 months ago
Actually,it’s a heist" if something valuable is stolen, and it was mentioned some of the machines had copper in them.
A great racket these days is ripping out copper wiring from abandoned buildings(USUALLY abandoned,anyway) and selling them on the black market