Garfield by Jim Davis for June 05, 1985

  1. Missing large
    EnderKitty  over 9 years ago

    I thought you said to eat the flowers, not stomp on them!

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  2. F49f31bc4edebe3a39060b8bfe60e08e
    Asriel  over 2 years ago

    W E E D (sorry for being offline)

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  3. 37617167760054
    Bleakachu  over 2 years ago

    This cursed strip, this thorn in my side. Forever a burden. An unsightly cloud dangling over my head, sure to block out the sun and shoot electricity through my spine. I detest it. Yet we are chained together.

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  4. Sheldoncharacter
    Scrambled Eggs  almost 2 years ago

    Sometimes flowers are weeds! Best of both worlds!

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