If this was NYC, Aubee wouldn’t be able to get the black kitten around Halloween. BTW, how do these girls’ parents feel about new members of their families?
And Josh weighs in on today’s drivel at the Curmudgeon:
“By saying “the black one’s best” but also “the grey tabby’s mine”, little Ava Luna, or possibly Aubee or Sophie, who can tell, is submitting to the patriarchy’s dictates that male siblings should have first choice of everything. This isn’t the sort of girl-power pluck and gumption she showed back when she time travelled with the help of an evil talking doll!”
Gertie’s dialog in Panel 2 doesn’t make much sense. As there are more kittens than girls, the “only” shouldn’t be there. Perhaps something like, “There are four kittens and only three girls.” But even that is bad because Aubee has already claimed two. So really Gertie should have said something like, “Why two kittens Aubee?” Then her response would make perfect sense. SIGH
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 3 months ago
No new kitty for Ruufy ? :-(
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 3 months ago
Uncle $crooge ciphered 37 minutes ago
@Gweedo it’s legal here Murray
Hence the two zeroes.
I thought that word looked odd but couldn’t figure why. Thanks !
snsurone76 3 months ago
If this was NYC, Aubee wouldn’t be able to get the black kitten around Halloween. BTW, how do these girls’ parents feel about new members of their families?
Asharah 3 months ago
First rule for a new kitten or puppy, ASK YOUR MOTHER FIRST!
workjobb Premium Member 3 months ago
This is absolutely riveting!
Darryl Heine 3 months ago
So one gets two?
BJShipley1 3 months ago
Maybe Jim should avoid drawing people with blue eyes if he can’t make them look normal. The girl on the left is downright demonic.
nonoyobeezwaks 3 months ago
These kids don’t look like kids. I don’t know what they look like, but they look rather unsettling.
I Go Pogo 3 months ago
I will give Jim credit for this – I feel it’s his best rendering of the middle child in the first panel.
Uncle $crooge 3 months ago
And Josh weighs in on today’s drivel at the Curmudgeon:
“By saying “the black one’s best” but also “the grey tabby’s mine”, little Ava Luna, or possibly Aubee or Sophie, who can tell, is submitting to the patriarchy’s dictates that male siblings should have first choice of everything. This isn’t the sort of girl-power pluck and gumption she showed back when she time travelled with the help of an evil talking doll!”
Brian Premium Member 3 months ago
Gertie’s dialog in Panel 2 doesn’t make much sense. As there are more kittens than girls, the “only” shouldn’t be there. Perhaps something like, “There are four kittens and only three girls.” But even that is bad because Aubee has already claimed two. So really Gertie should have said something like, “Why two kittens Aubee?” Then her response would make perfect sense. SIGH
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 3 months ago
Aubee has TWO brothers but Boog already has a pet bear