Ah, the old switcheroo trick. Mr Hagen is checking to see if we are awake enough to notice the switch for the strip from its normal Friday spot. Good thing I’m half way through my morning coffee.
Bulls are rarely slaughtered for food. So, Stan must be a steer. It also explains why, as a grown animal he lays around and has no interest in the females of his species. Sorry, Stan.
GROG Premium Member about 1 month ago
You know he gots to be. He teached you everything you knows.
Ned Snipes about 1 month ago
Ah, the old switcheroo trick. Mr Hagen is checking to see if we are awake enough to notice the switch for the strip from its normal Friday spot. Good thing I’m half way through my morning coffee.
Doug Taylor Premium Member about 1 month ago
Stan my not be the smartest bull in The Barn but when he is, he drinks Dos Equis.
akachman Premium Member about 1 month ago
Go vegan. I’ll adopt you, Stan. Love you.
Zebrastripes about 1 month ago
LMAO! Yous R wright!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 1 month ago
Who saves you, Stan?
KimmiesAndrews about 1 month ago
I love the “Early Years” they’re adorable.
serial232 about 1 month ago
Bulls are rarely slaughtered for food. So, Stan must be a steer. It also explains why, as a grown animal he lays around and has no interest in the females of his species. Sorry, Stan.