Eleanor Roosevelt supposedly said, “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” I dunno. The pain and self-hatred come from within, so it doesn’t matter so much what others think of you; you are the one who has to overcome your anxiety, and that is a long, twisting, agonizing job of work. Still trying at over 70.
I can totally relate. It took me to my older age to realize most people aren’t paying as much attention to others or myself as we think they are. We are our worst critics.
When a person grows up in a household without any affection and goes on in life trying to find ‘normal’ relationships that person will undoubtedly make these same conclusions. The opposite of guilt is love without which one grows up to believe one is unloved and therefore guilty and confused.
emiesty2 about 2 months ago
Feels so true.
ikini Premium Member about 2 months ago
Eleanor Roosevelt supposedly said, “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” I dunno. The pain and self-hatred come from within, so it doesn’t matter so much what others think of you; you are the one who has to overcome your anxiety, and that is a long, twisting, agonizing job of work. Still trying at over 70.
TwoCrows about 2 months ago
I can totally relate. It took me to my older age to realize most people aren’t paying as much attention to others or myself as we think they are. We are our worst critics.
christineracine77 about 2 months ago
So accurate it hurts, but in a good way. I hope making these comics helps Chuck as much as reading them helps me.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 2 months ago
When a person grows up in a household without any affection and goes on in life trying to find ‘normal’ relationships that person will undoubtedly make these same conclusions. The opposite of guilt is love without which one grows up to believe one is unloved and therefore guilty and confused.
Buoy about 2 months ago
How I see and love myself is what matters. Heal myself and the world around changes with me.
daisypekin01 about 2 months ago