FoxTrot by Bill Amend for February 23, 2000

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    Squeaksis  almost 13 years ago

    Dude, just cut your hair.

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    Zebra=D  over 10 years ago

    I bet it is just a dream or somthing

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    Zebra=D  over 10 years ago

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    Zebra=D  over 10 years ago

    I said that BEFORE I read this comic

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  5. Silly songs with larry
    Chloe the Cucumber  about 7 years ago

    IT IS NOT A DREAM!!!!!

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    RuinQueenofOblivion  about 3 years ago

    Its admittedly been awhile since I watched the X-Files, but I actually do remember them investigating a case with a gender swapping family that were somewhat based on the Amish.

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  7. Dog
    robert423elliott  over 1 year ago

    If he wants to know if it’s real, he should head for the bathroom!!! Does anyone remember this little ditty?

    The old gray mare, went down to Delaware, took off her underwear, to see what was under there!

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