So I guess Mars got the H out (of H2O), and substituted (C as in C02.)
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Here’s the classics update for the 20th:
Walt takes a trip up to look over a lake, and dream a little dream.
If you thought surviving a car crash off a cliff was impressive, get a load of Crazy Quilt trying to land that egg-beater.
A nice old couple just happens by, and stops to take a look at the wreck, and they certainly didn’t expect to find such carnage.
Pert shows up the next day and totally high-hats Wilmer and Jessica. He’s meeting Miss Melba today, who is dressed to the sixes. Now the blouse fits well, but her fur-collared coat has a little trouble staying on her shoulders.
Dirty Dragon about 1 month ago
So I guess Mars got the H out (of H2O), and substituted (C as in C02.)
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Here’s the classics update for the 20th:
Walt takes a trip up to look over a lake, and dream a little dream.
If you thought surviving a car crash off a cliff was impressive, get a load of Crazy Quilt trying to land that egg-beater.
A nice old couple just happens by, and stops to take a look at the wreck, and they certainly didn’t expect to find such carnage.
Pert shows up the next day and totally high-hats Wilmer and Jessica. He’s meeting Miss Melba today, who is dressed to the sixes. Now the blouse fits well, but her fur-collared coat has a little trouble staying on her shoulders.
snsurone76 about 1 month ago
Is this supposed to be a comic strip or a school science class??
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray about 1 month ago
Next: They land so the girls can build a snowman; no space suits needed.
snsurone76 about 1 month ago
Frozen CO2 is also known as “dry ice”, and is used extensively in packing perishable materials.
iggyman about 1 month ago
Must be very cold there!
Darryl Heine about 1 month ago
Snow on Mars? It’s almost the Christmas season also!
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 1 month ago
The kids look like kids today.
And if Ogg and Zogg show up, run for it