He IS sitting on Rosebud’s butt…it’s the only way to subdue the wild savage beast and avoid being gored by those razor sharp antlers…better get some poptarts fast!
Interestingly, Pop Tarts were introduced by Kellogg’s in 1964, about 20 years before this strip was run. So Basselopes must have gone extinct in a fairly short period of time.
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
I never put butter on my Pop Tarts. Slow living….
thirdguy almost 13 years ago
It looks like he is sitting on the Basselope’s butt!
Vonne Anton almost 13 years ago
He IS sitting on Rosebud’s butt…it’s the only way to subdue the wild savage beast and avoid being gored by those razor sharp antlers…better get some poptarts fast!
Weakstream almost 13 years ago
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
The extinction of species, once again, is instructive to the humans species.
MrSulusBrain almost 13 years ago
Anyone for some deep fried pop tarts?
BluePumpkin almost 13 years ago
Anybody know where Rosebud’s name comes from? (besides Citizen Kane) I always thought he was a girl . .
hariseldon59 almost 13 years ago
If Basselopes are so elusive, how come nobody ever sees them buying Pop Tarts?
hariseldon59 almost 13 years ago
Interestingly, Pop Tarts were introduced by Kellogg’s in 1964, about 20 years before this strip was run. So Basselopes must have gone extinct in a fairly short period of time.