FoxTrot by Bill Amend for June 05, 2001
Roger: How was your day, kiddo? Paige: So-so. My morning nap had a decent enough dream, but my afternoon nap had a lousy rerun from last week. How was your day, daddy? Roger: I thought it was winter that caused depression... Paige: Oh, yeah - my ice cream cones were extra drippy today, too.
luckygal123 over 13 years ago
luckygal123 over 13 years ago
i actully like reruns of dreams call me crazy……..(shrugs shoulders)
Marathon Zack about 10 years ago
I only have a couple of dreams that ever rerun. And they’re weirder than my normal dreams, which is saying something. Not that I’m complaining…
crazyspirit16 over 6 years ago
I have series’s of dreams
Boxo croco says happy derby almost 5 years ago
One of my friends half fell asleep, meaning we could talk to each other and they could still experience the dream