Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for June 10, 2009
Danae: This is so cool... A real, live alien!! So what magical powers do you have? Lars: What do you mean? Jeffrey: Aw, jeez... Danae: Well... Can you fly? Lars: No. Danae: Mind-meld? Lars: No. Danae: Turn invisible? Lars: No. Shape-shift? Lars: No. Danae: OK... How about something scary and gross, like swallowing hamsters alive... Lars: How long is this going to go on? Jeffrey: Until she runs out of science fiction movie cliches.
pouncingtiger over 15 years ago
In that case, it’ll go on forever.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
bleeep aliens, so what the heck can you do?
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
I bet Lars is wishing he had a magical mute button.
runar over 15 years ago
Lars is on loan from Prickly City (
resparto over 15 years ago
Check out this link. It explains everything about how Mars appeared August 27th. 2003 - the size of the moon. almost…
Anthony Moats Premium Member over 15 years ago
Oh, and I suppose that morphologically, the Little Blue Man here isn’t a sci-fi movie cliché? Please.
SaintRCat over 15 years ago
Maybe if Lars would hurry and explain why he’s superior to humans aside from being bald and having better cloaking technology, then Danae wouldn’t have to run down a list of superpowers.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Do a cool crop circle for her, Lars.
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
“Swallowing hamsters alive”. Ah, that brings back memories of the old TV series “V”. As we viewers were getting our first suspicions that the totally human-appearing aliens were not the nice guys they seemed to be, it was a major shock when this hot alien chick opened up her gullet and dropped in a live guinea pig. Not Alien-level of shock, but pretty shocking nonetheless.
green_engineer over 15 years ago
You’ve gone right down in my estimation Lars!
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
Gort! Lars barada nikto.
wicky over 15 years ago
She remains clueless.
prasrinivara over 15 years ago
Probably exactly where Danae got it pschearer.
DolphinGirl78 over 15 years ago
Lars looks so depressed in the second pane… and exasperated in the last one… lol
carmy over 15 years ago
Does he see dead people?
Allan CB Premium Member over 15 years ago
wicky - isn’t she ALWAYS clueless? :D
billrad over 15 years ago
Can he mount a successful political campaign on the national level? … Of course he can, take a look at DC.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Funny! This could go on forever. If I didn’t think I’d be asked to prove it, I would have admitted to one of her questions to hopefully end the interrogation. Or better, yet, go back to Mars. The more distance for Danae, the better.
JonD17 over 15 years ago
Lars came to Earth to fix Calvin’s Transmogrifier.
JonD17 over 15 years ago
or maybe to visit his old friend Gary Sinise.
Wildmustang1262 over 15 years ago
Lars, jump into your ship and fly back to Mars before Danae thinks something more to ask you.
Potrzebie over 15 years ago
He can’t get home yet, hence the help from his friend. Maybe Wiley can have them visit Lobstah Eddie to inspire another tall tale or poke their noses in the misterious sewer grate. OR, how about a livecast on dad’s news show (of course people will say that it’s all CGI) or they can also visit those creepy, kooky, zany neighbors (the ones that look like a certain TV family).
boozoothatswho over 15 years ago
He thinks he’s from earth.He’ll be institutionalized shortly.Eventually he’ll be reduced to ash and haunt his planet. This is well-documented.
reynard61 over 15 years ago
Potrzebie: “(…)or they can also visit those creepy, kooky, zany neighbors (the ones that look like a certain TV family).”
The Gravesytes. (Love them!)
jamadison4 over 15 years ago
, MARS NEEDS WOMEN………..maybe Danae and her sister can spice up Lars sex life.??????…………Unless he’s looking for hot babes..???????????
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Smell the ol’ wood burning in that third panel. That was Lars’ chance to escape. Too late. He’s still there in the 4th panel.
johnnydoc5 over 15 years ago
Persistent isn’t she?
D-i-c-e-R over 15 years ago
Is this show coming back? ABC’s ‘V’ Trailer