Overboard by Chip Dunham for October 23, 2009
charley: well, great! after I grew them and nurtured them and basically didn't get to enjoy one... im so glad to hear what a great sauce my tomatoes made... im so happy to hear that you theives are enjoying the fruits of my la- rabbit: calling to complement him on his gardening? not a good idea.
WoodEye about 15 years ago
Just one of them would make enough rabbit stew for the whole crew. And us too! All he has to do is be very, very quiet….
SGIBeachbum about 15 years ago
Tomato sauce goes well with rabbit stew.
Good Friday Morning CREW!!
RavennaAl about 15 years ago
One of these days, Charlie’s going to catsup with with those rabbits….
cdward about 15 years ago
Morning Crew! Maybe he needs a lucky rabbits foot.
lightenup Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hare today, gone tomorrow!
Good morning, Crew! Have a great Friday
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I like your thinking Mohulk. LOL
Good Morning Crew!
Allan CB Premium Member about 15 years ago
oooh! those wascally wabbits!
Mornin’ Crewmates!
patricew52 Premium Member about 15 years ago
At least we know where they live now!
TGIF Crew!
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
Good Mooring Crew!
So here’s a question: If they also brew their own beer, do they use bunny hops?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good morning Crew!
Where’s my shotgun?
Saucy1121 Premium Member about 15 years ago
I don’t know why people think a rabbit’s foot is lucky. It didn’t do much for the rabbit.
dennis550 about 15 years ago
Charlie should have pulled off all his green tomatoes and ripened them on a piece of newspaper inside a dark closet. Hide the key, though, and lock up the rabbit-friendly power tools.
Trebor39 about 15 years ago
Charlie should forget gardening next year and take up rabbit hunting instead.
flatdog about 15 years ago
in all the years i’ve grown tomatoes i’ve never seen a rabbit eat one. they are one of the few plants i don’t have to fence.
this year i did see a chipmunk eat one. got a picture
Wenthral about 15 years ago
Charlie needs to get himself a shotgun and take the night shift one time.
Or hire out security to those rats with the airplane. A few veggies for them and he’s back in business.