For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for January 20, 2002
Noise: Sssssskreeaaappppee. Elly: Oh, no! That $*@! snowplow has just filled the end of our driveway with a huge heap of snow!! We'll have to shovel it again, if you're going to get to your meeting on time! John: No problem. The Bushwhacker can drive right over that mess, El! That's what she's built for. Elly: I don't know. John: Look, she's got 4 wheel drive, oversized tires with Krudgripper tread, locking-differential, high clearance, super low range tranny and tool-steel skid plates!! Go, baby, go! Noise: Fvroom...
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray over 7 years ago
Great descriptors on that truck, Lynn !
Sky's_the_limit over 5 years ago
Nice try, John.
M2MM over 2 years ago
Sadurian 12 months ago
Amazing how many 4×4s and SUVs can’t actually manage to move properly off-road.