Jon: Tell me, Garfield. Would you say this milk shake is half full or half empty?
Garfield: Completely empty! Care to get philosophical about those french fries?
The glass half full/half empty thing depends on perspective imo. When you are filling the glass it could be half full, when you are drinking it, it is half empty. At least that’s how I look at it
Marathon Zack almost 9 years ago
Chocolate milk, hopefully?
baleyeman42 about 8 years ago
Actually I’d say more like 5 8ths full or 3 8ths empty.
RockingPage7934 about 4 years ago
brown fries?
Mactheminion about 4 years ago
The glass half full/half empty thing depends on perspective imo. When you are filling the glass it could be half full, when you are drinking it, it is half empty. At least that’s how I look at it
garfield appreciator about 4 years ago
i love french fries.