Overboard by Chip Dunham for June 30, 2008
Louie: He was a fast runner? Captain: Oh, he was very fast. Louie: And he lvoed chicken and cheeseburgers? Captain: He would've kept up with you in an eating contest. And he was a great buddy, and he firmly believed that every squirrel he saw on the ground should be chased back up into the trees. Louie: Wow... he sounds like my kind of dog. Captain: Oh, mine, too. Basil 1995-2008.
Iluvk9s over 16 years ago
My sympathy and understanding, Chip. May you meet again.
jammer714 over 16 years ago
I know how you feel, My sympathy goes out to you. I have a Golden named Toby that I call Louie because he has all of his traits. I wondered where Louie got his personality. He is running and chasing squirrels in Heaven. Peace brother
rajah2 over 16 years ago
I also would like to express my sincdere sympathy. “Heaven is where we get all our old dogs back”
bdoodlebugger08 over 16 years ago
My heart goes out to you. bdoodlebugger
d_chronister over 16 years ago
Chip, I love your strip, I was so sorry to see the epitaph for your lab Basil–the comic was a fine and very touching tribute to him.
vickij over 16 years ago
I have so enjoyed your strip and it has often made me laugh. Today it made me cry. Having lost my dog of 16 years this year, I know how hard and painful it can be. What a loving tribute to a great buddy.
slfitts Premium Member over 16 years ago
I have really enjoyed your strip. It ALWAYS makes me chuckle. Basil was blessed to have such a wonderful master. I’m sure he’ll wait patiently until he sees you again. May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
MyComicsPageLogIn over 16 years ago
Dog eat Doug had a cartoon back in february (my Simba died the day before) The lab says Life is a car ride, it can pass you by in a blur, there are lot curves and turns,and sometimes you don’t see the stops comng. I have that cartoon on his urn. It fit him perfectly. I am also touched by your loss.
Coopergirl Premium Member over 16 years ago
Steve and Jane Amy - we love Louie and all the antics he is involved with. We have had labradors for years and miss everyone of them. Our sympathies are with you and your loss of a loved one.
wO_42ody Premium Member over 16 years ago
The strip brought tears to my eyes today; so sorry to hear Basil’s gone. He must’ve been a great dog - and for sure, he’s waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.
k9rgr8 over 16 years ago
Sorry to hear about Basil’s passing. He had a wonderful life with you and I’m sure greatly missed. The Rainbow Bridge is a great poem about dogs that have passed away. Always remember that Basil left his pawprints on your heart and you left your handprints on his. Bless you both.
4ever over 16 years ago
My sympathy to you Chip but Basil will live on in your readers hearts and yours and as long as we live so will Basil.
I wrote you a couple of years ago and told you of Goosie my black Lab and she is the 3rd Lab in our family. It’s never easy to lose a true friend that you loved….and they ask so little from us.
“People say that when a dog dies they don’t go to heaven, if that’s the case, when I die I want to go where the dogs go”
Basil will be waiting for you at the bridge, Godspeed Chip.
Susan, Richard & Goosie
Philisse over 16 years ago
My sympathy goes to you. I enjoy your strip every day. Thank you for spreading some peace, love and humor in the world.
Stickywicket Premium Member over 16 years ago
Basil was quite an inspiration and always seemed to get the ‘dog’ part just right. Best wishes.
tracyaltman over 16 years ago
Your tribute to Basil was lovely. RIP, sweet doggie. I’m not so great with words – but someone who is, Baxter Black, read a wonderful obit for his departed border collie on NPR back in ‘99 (link below). Both of you expressed the pain we dog lovers feel when a 4-legged friend passes away. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1066975&sc=emaf
Kat the hodag over 16 years ago
Dear Chip–My sympathies in the loss of your faithful friend. I am sure that your Basil was loved and pampered. He deserved such an honorable tribute. We also lost our elderly darkling Laboradork this month and the house is much emptier. kat >^.^<
swolf48110 over 16 years ago
Always remember, he’ll be ther at the door to heaven waiting on ya! In the meantime, I can SO relate to your loss. Godspeed.
platko0857 over 16 years ago
We are so sorry for your loss. Basil will on in your heart, memories and in your comic.
John and Prudy
rosielover1 over 16 years ago
Your strip is my favorite. You get all the expressions just right and even thought they are animals and pirates they are kind, loving, caring and full of goodness. Wish the “real” world were as good as they are. I didn’t know you had a dog until Basil went to the Rainbow Bridge. It makes me weep. May God hold you both in the palm of his hand. I pray that your pain will become more bearable each day. Beth
bgontarek over 16 years ago
lynne_dean74 Premium Member over 16 years ago
Chip, as a long, long time dog owner, I have to say that this is one of the most touching tributes to any dog that I have ever seen. It makes me cry every time a look at it. I hope you find another Basil soon.
fooser Premium Member about 16 years ago
It is always so sad to lose your best friend.
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member about 11 years ago
I’m obviously very late in expressing my sympathies; however, I just started reading your strip a few weeks ago and I am coming across this for the first time. I knew there was a special lab in your life, and that’s how you must have come up with Louie. He reminds me so much of my own chocolate lab, Buddy. So sorry for your loss. If you’re anything like me, you probably still tear up when you think of him. My heart grieves for you….
ginnieandlouie2 over 2 years ago
When I read this so many years ago, it nearly broke my heart. Now, almost 14 years later, it still brings tears. Sharing the pain of a great loss with a wonderful new friend, it is a most beautiful and loving tribute to a wonderful old friend. Thank you for sharing your grief with us.