Overboard by Chip Dunham for July 21, 2009

  1. Superman 20logo 3
    Jor-El  over 15 years ago


    If you come back to read this, I believe the Green Crew are supposed to be pirates, too. (At least, that was the original storyline.)

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  2. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 15 years ago

    just hasn’t figured out how to spin his answer yet.

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  3. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  over 15 years ago

    Good one Chip.

    Good Morning Everyone!

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  4. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member over 15 years ago

    ROUND AND ROUND HE GOES, where he stops, no one knows!

    Good morning to … 4deerinmyyard, Akenta, Burgundy2, Carmy, comicaddict, DawnAvril, Digital, Doc, Dry, gmartin, JFri, MoParMitch, MrSpock, patrice52, RadicalKnight, and anyone I may have missed.

    NAME THE “CHATTERS” GROUP! http://www.micropoll.com/akira/mpview/627500-185397

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  5. Missing large
    CrazyGrandpa  over 15 years ago

    Good Morning Everyone,I have been reading this strip (Because its there) since it started running in my local paper a few years ago. I’ve come to a conclusion,Chip Dunham is NOT funny nor can he draw! Have A Good Day

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  6. Raider lv
    Akenta  over 15 years ago

    Good morning everyone!!

    Allan how does this poll work. I voted yesterday, but how can I see the current results (doesn’t seem fair to be able to keep on voting)

    lightenup an Atlanta get-together for lunch or something sounds like it could be fun. MoPar are you interested?

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  7. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Good morning everyone! First I have to say that I now have an avatar (with a story)! I actually had a different picture to use, but yesterday I came home and found that my first tomato of the season had been attacked by the wild rabbits in my neighborhood. I was so mad that I am now rooting for the hawks who also live here, and then found this jpeg. Thanks for listening to my vent…

    Anyway, what was the point of that comment, Crazy Grandpa? At least gmartin reserves his critical comments for us.

    Akenta, would love to. What part of town?

    Good one, Carlos!

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  8. Missing large
    Brenzluv  over 15 years ago

    More germane to the cartoon, I don’t think any of them are actually pirates anymore. That said, this one actually was pretty funny, and Chip didn’t have to labor to make the point!

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  9. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago

    CrazyGrandpa, I see why you call yourself crazy!!!

    Chip, very clever one today! ROFLMAO!!

    Good Morniing to all The Louie Loyalists!!! :-D

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  10. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Allan * how does the poll work anyway? I voted for Louie’s Loyalists* and it still shows 0 under that category.

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  11. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  over 15 years ago

    CrazyGrandpa, it took you several years to decide you don’t care for this strip? Why do you read it then?

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  12. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 15 years ago

    That’s a shamrock, not a flower in the green captains hat, implying that they’re Irish and the blue ship is maybe British?

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  13. Imagescaeu1dj2
    patricew52 Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Yeah, I think they’re Irish, too. But how did the little mouse get back? He would have just been going around in circles!

    Morning to all the loyal crew!

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  14. Nelson muntz
    nelson-muntz  over 15 years ago

    crazy grandpa, you have the sense of humor of a litter of dead puppies. Chips subject matter is cutting edge with keen insight to the ship board life with a Lab. So what if his drawing is a little rough! That is no what cartooning is all about. HaHa guess I told you.

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  15. Totorosmileicon
    kirbey  over 15 years ago

    I look froward to this strip everyday.

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  16. 104 2745
    Trebor39  over 15 years ago

    Hey CrazyGranpa I disagree. This strip IS funny and Chip CAN draw. However he does need a good cat for this strip.

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  17. Calvin n hobbesdance
    vawser  over 15 years ago

    Hi, everybody…

    I find the comic entertaining, if not always inspired. It’s always worth a stop by the comments, though.

    gmartin, do you really want to be a troll?

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  18. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Dry - it’s supposed to be 1 vote per IP address (I don’t see your IP, the server does!) and I’m going to adopt LL as the name … I MAY even make a online Discussion Forum for us to talk in and discuss the daily comic in :D

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  19. Palm
    SGIBeachbum  over 15 years ago

    Hey Akenta and lightenup, an Atlanta get-together would be fun. I have an insanely overbooked shedule but I am sure we could find a time. I work in Midtown and I leave home at 5:20 am and return around 7pm. Sick, huh? But anyway let’s see what we can work out.

    Oh no!!I think I have just been chatting. I wonder who I offended this time.

    I am a Grandfather (amazing considering I am still so young) and I am crazy as Hell but I can’t relate to CrazyGrandpa’s remarks. I have been reading Overboard since Chip started writing it. I have seen many changes and some I would rather have done without. That, however is my preference, and in no way diminshes the humor of the strip.

    CrazyGrandpa, you should know the line by now: “if you don’t like it move on. Nobody makes you read it.” However, you are certainly entitled to your opininion and you have every right to say it. I have every right to disagree with you and I do.

    Bonne soirée mes amis!

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  20. Missing large
    Brenzluv  over 15 years ago

    I think MoParMitch is right that CrazyGrandpa (and gmartin) are entitled to their opinions, just as he is vigorously entitled to disagree with them! I have said this all along. This little forum is entitled “Comments,” not “Total Agreement with Majority Sentiment.” Personally I disagree that this strip is cutting edge any longer. It did used to be. But Chip labors at times to make the point of the joke; and Pastis and Toomey alone far surpass him in cutting edge cleverness. The addition of the dogs, much less the mice and bizarre rabbits, with the addtional deletion of much of the original crew; took the strip away from the key impact of its original format. That said, there are times it still amuses and is interesting. So…there’s a comment for us mugwumps on the fence. If that deserves a “go somewhere else,” well, that’s your right to say, I guess; but it ain’t gonna happen. I calls ‘em the way I sees ‘em! But with the nicest intent!

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  21. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  over 15 years ago

    The poll is doing pretty good, Allen. I voted for the one in third place but see that two others are tied for first.

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  22. Missing large
    j42case  over 15 years ago

    No one reads 3 day old comments save myself, apparently, but I need the balance that Pearls, Overboard, Dilbert, Zits and Get Fuzzy bring to my life. Sometimes it is 5 or 6 days before I get to see them, and it is such a rush then. There is a gentle heart in Overboard that is missing from all of the others. A life with just Overboard would be diminished, but so would a life with all the others except Overboard. Opus had this kind of heart, and sometimes Calvin and Hobbes. Long ago, Pogo did too.

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