Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for June 15, 2011
Flo: So what made you think that Doomsday prophecy would be right? Captain Eddie: I figyah it happened to the dinah-saws, so maybe it was our turn. Flo: Hmmmm... that's actually a good philosophy to help you live in the moment and appreciate life... as long as yaw're not gullible enough to gamble yawr life savings on it... Flo: I said, as long as you don't... Captain Eddie: Oh, sure... that's easy to say in hindsight.
comicgos over 13 years ago
I’d love to have a cat that sat on my shoulder!
rayannina over 13 years ago
No, but someone’s de-Camping with it …
kreole over 13 years ago
@Radish (above) nailed it.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
The first time I gave my worldly goods I was young and naive,The second time words like stupid and a couple I can’t write come to mind.I need a new leader.
Brockie over 13 years ago
Mr. Camping who erroneously predicted the end of the world has an organization estimated to be worth 70 million dollars…hmmm.
roctor over 13 years ago
How can anyone ask for help recover monies lost in a Ponzie scheme? No one complained about the high rate of return dividens.The rest was simply raptured.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
His rapture has been ruptured.
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Gambling doesn’t pay, Captain Eddy. You oughta know that people who don’t need it always manage to win.
js305 over 13 years ago
What was that old song about….The preacher on TV says give money to the Lord, but gives his own address to send it to…
dsom8 over 13 years ago
She lost him at “life savings.”
JanLC over 13 years ago
Greg Laurie once said “Death comes one to a customer.”
Justice22 over 13 years ago
Eddie’s $49 is gone!
TheFinalSolution over 13 years ago
You been living under a rock? That’s as old as the scandal itself.
William Reynolds over 13 years ago
The end of the world is big business. Consider the movie industry. e.g. 2012.
dfowensby over 13 years ago
so That’s why he can’t pay the note on the boat…
yyyguy over 13 years ago
betting on the end of the world is like life insurance. even if you win, you lose.
yyyguy over 13 years ago
Ron White had a good piece on televangelists a few years back, which i saw on an episode of just for laughs. i won’t bore with details, those interested can look it up. the “Tater” is a funny man.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
Televangelists and their ilk have madoff with far more money promising folks a better afterlife than Ken Lay or “Bad Bernie” could even dream of.
My son has a cat that walks on a leash, and also rides around on his shoulder a good deal of the time. Even his cat has better sense on what to “invest in” than humans who put faith in charlatans, whether in crystal cathedrals, or palaces built on wall street.
billhan1 over 13 years ago
$49 is gone okay and seems he’s come to a dead end.
Varnes over 13 years ago
Panel 3 is so great! Wow! Way to go Wiley..
thirdguy over 13 years ago
Congrats Bruins, and all Bruin fans!