Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 18, 1986
Calvin: I got the new album by scrambled debutante. All their songs glorify depraved violence, mindless sex, and the deliberate abuse of dangerous drugs. Hobbes: Your Mom's going to go into conniptions when she sees this lying around. Calvin: Well I sure didn't buy it for the music...
lovechiken almost 15 years ago
hmm pretty interesting how we can still relate this into today’s times.
masterturtle over 14 years ago
it speaks alot how long we came from way back when. evolution takes a while. 100000years is nothing.
bmonk almost 14 years ago
Music? The sounds on the record qualify as music?
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
Starfollower777 about 12 years ago
Then why did you buy it?
Lestibournes over 11 years ago
I love the innocent happy face he wears while carrying out his evil schemes.
Swayamplays about 6 years ago
wow and he’s 6
GrantHoddinott about 5 years ago
i love calvin and hobbes
williameves860 about 5 years ago
Caus it is good.
CyborgNinja over 4 years ago
look … if you know, you know. (why he wanted the album cover.)
Zilba Follie over 1 year ago
I’ll take the mindless sex and leave everything else.