Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 19, 1987
August 18, 1987
August 20, 1987
Calvin: We're packing up? Dad: Yep, I've had enough. What a rotton week! Calvin: Did you konw what any of Dad's words meant? Hobbes: No, but I wrote then down so we can look 'em up when we get home.
Calvin: (repeats whatever his dad said, and Mom glares at him. Cut to: Calvin’s bedroom. He is sitting on his bed with a bar of soap in his mouth; thought bubble) I don’t see why it’s okay for him to say those words, but not me.
DragonWizzard about 14 years ago
L. O. L.
overlived almost 13 years ago
how many times has THIS happened in life, eh??
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
It was quite the learning experience.
bmonk over 12 years ago
Even Dad has had enough.
MaverickMoPete over 10 years ago
“Slippin’-rippin’-dang-fang-rotten-zarg-barg-a-ding-dong!” should have been Calvin’s Dad’s words.
threePwny over 9 years ago
Ah, Murphy’s Law.
hayman21 about 9 years ago
Dad: First its raining, now its gone! Uuuuurrrrrgggghhh!!!!!! Thats what dads words were.LOL LOL LOL
JoeManzaJr about 7 years ago
Calvin: (repeats whatever his dad said, and Mom glares at him. Cut to: Calvin’s bedroom. He is sitting on his bed with a bar of soap in his mouth; thought bubble) I don’t see why it’s okay for him to say those words, but not me.
weatherford.joe over 6 years ago
I imagine that you aren’t allowed to say seven of them on television.
adynprem almost 4 years ago
Pets of the comics almost 4 years ago
That happens to me EVERY TIME it rains. I’m all in a jacket and every thing when it ether slows down or stops
Odie's best friend almost 3 years ago
i’m guessing h sh d f don’t ask how i know these words
goboboyd about 1 year ago
Pshaw! ?Con Sarn it! Dag Nabit!
...... 10 months ago
Calvin: Hey Dad?Dad: Yes?Calvin: It builds character.(And from that point on Calvin was never seen again)