Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for July 02, 1989
Calvin: Uh-oh. The sky is deep orange! Calvin's skin is a pale green! Yellow flowers are now blue! Every color is the oppsite of what it should be! Calvin has been transformed to a color film negative! His only hope is to be processed by a 1-hour photo finisher! Developer! I need developer! Dad: Doggone it, Calvin! That's another picture ruined! Can't you look pleasent for 1/500th of a second.
yow4zip Premium Member over 10 years ago
Very cool.
heorotlinea over 10 years ago
No, he can’t, “Dad.”
Xalder about 10 years ago
His imagination is too strongly developed.
bmonk about 10 years ago
And his attitude is negative.
AustinBallard over 5 years ago
I’m not sure why his tongue is yellow… Inverted would make it blue. It should be dark green.
CJDaBudgie almost 4 years ago
The tree trunk is still brown
Kid Covid over 3 years ago
Everyone on Chromebook, do ctrl+search+h.
Archistoteles over 1 year ago
Check out: Developers by 1doony4u on YouTube.