You lost him?? Are you sure he isn’t hiding out in a cave in Pakistan – or for that matter, a small mansion? XDAlso gives me a kick that this strip called: B. (before) C. (Christ). Makes me wish he’d done some strip about the conversion of the Pagan masses in the Dark Age, but there, no way to avoid barbarism in THAT I guess – so back to the peaceful, if anachronistic, setting in some alternate-universe time warp seen only on this plant ever by Johny Hart (plus whoever has, woefully, taken over his pen – most regrettable…)
Kind of a self-righteous thing to say sandfan. Funny how the atheists are almost always looking into a mirror and seeing the enemy and thinking it’s someone else. ;-)
Thanks for mentioning Christ today, Mark. Even evangelicals have long seen the humor in that discarded “found” opening. Stop by a real church with an open mind some day and maybe you’ll get to know him.
Send them to Scary Gary’s house. Leopold will take care of them.And am I the only one who saw this and thought of Book of Mormon? (The musical, not the book.)
Sadly, this strip is now dated since the heirs of Johnny Hart’s BC have pretty much done away with the Christian slant that Hart had going. Still — nice to see that Lio’s afraid of something.
Why? I really don’t understand why “Jesus” has to be brought into a comic strip. I am a huge Lio fan! I would realy like to know what was behind Mark’s thought process for this comic. Has he asked Jesus into his heart and is showing this through Lio? All of the comments that poke fun at Jesus are so unnecessary. We all die – we all go to one of two places – Heaven or Hell – I know where I am going without a shadow of a doubt, Heaven! Where are you going?
cleo: in point of fact he IS what you’ve been looking for. You just don’t know it yet. Revise Savage Garden. You knew you loved him before you met him…
Hey, Mr. Tatulli! Very cute. This comic is super ironic And very symbolic The poor alcoholic Sometimes does not see The pull of dictators Who always must be RIGHT! above others.The humorist takes Discomfort we share and of that bond makes “us” laugh without care.Sorry about the others.
For educational purposes, kids: jws and Mormans are NOT Christian groups, are recognized as cults and do not want you to meet Jesus. One wants to introduce Satan’s bro (ms) and the other wants you to meet a created being on a par with angels as well (jws). Sad thing is that they work hard at being the door knocking public face while legit churches have taken to huddling around flag poles and trying to elect Pharisees,
You tell ‘em, freeholder! While we’re at it, let’s not forget that Christians are just a messianic/apocalyptic cult of Judaism, who not only want you to believe that the One God has a begotten son who is also (somehow) God, but that this isn’t polytheism. How long have Catholics and Protestants been willing to acknowledge mutual Christianity? 100 years or so? What about the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church(es)? So many heretics, so little time…
I mostly get Baptists, I may have scared the Jovies away with the biblical definition of false prophets as anything short of 100% accuracy, & the biblical resolution (stoning). Heresy is a useful weapon against thumpers, if you know the book better than they do.
I just love people who tell me I’m going to burn in hell for all eternity when they find out that I am not born again.That may be the only thing they know about me, but it doesn’t matter. I am doomed in their eyes because I don’t share their superstitions. Insanity. I’d be willing to bet that I live a more moral life than 95% of those who have told me I will burn.
Jared: try reading the REAL Bible. Do you truly think Satan ad Jesus are brothers? Do You really believe Joe Smith is going to sit in judgment of everyone along with Jesus and God/ Do you really believe you will get a planet to rule when you come back? Are you praying for your long dead ancestors to be saved in the hereafter something the Bible clearly denies along with everything i mentioned above? you need to read all your churches beliefs. Try The Kingdom of the Cults. It’s in bookstores or you can order one. If you don’t believe me ask you church elders if these are all true. Try thinking of the part where some say “Lord, Lord” and he says ,“Away from me, I never knew ye.”
Sandfan: so what? The devil believes in God and we know where he’s going. You might try Islam. They believe you only need to be 51% saved to make their heaven. you’re still going to eternal dying, but you’ll feel good about yourself all the way. Christianity says one sin outweighs all the good unless someone accepts the cover of the blood. Think of it as the real Christmas gift you never opened because you read bad things about it on the net and didn’t like the other kids who had it.
Sorry to tell the truth, Fritz. Yeah, a lot of division from the Church becoming an institution. Like our Israelite cousins when they cried to Moses to be a buffer between them and God, people over the ages have chosen to hide in institutions and give their minds to overlords, called Priests, and not think, just follow the rituals. Protestantism began tom break the idea and it took the American experiment to take it most of the way home.The isms and ist are being shaken.Not following the Spirit and it’s written truth was divisive even in Paul’s time. I choose to see the current calling of folks back to more open forums as the next and perhaps last step into relational training instead of dogmas. (And the current pope recently issued a statement that the Catholic church is the only true church, so I guess you missed that as well. Hard to let go of reins that give you that kind of power.) Unfortunately, If you don’t tell people there are wolves in sheep’s clothing, you let them be eaten and spiritually lost. And I don’t see it as love to allow your brother to be deceived.
margueritem over 13 years ago
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Oh, no! They are at the door again! And with an engraved edition of their handout!
zero over 13 years ago
Stone Age mentality? Or B.C. iPad?!. . ..
x_Tech over 13 years ago
It’s the new iStone Tablet BC
x_Tech over 13 years ago
Oh and email me if they want to sell either the table or the vase
Ensoh over 13 years ago
Touche, and too funny!
Ida No over 13 years ago
“Have you found Jesus?” “No, where did you forget him?”
bdaverin over 13 years ago
Geez, you’d think they’d put one of those RFID chips into him and track him via satellite by now!
GalleyOar over 13 years ago
Me thinks Jesus isn’t lost.
Kvasir42 Premium Member over 13 years ago
If you’re going to read comics, you need a sense of humor and sometimes a little background info.
arsmall over 13 years ago
Nope, they would have a Watchtower and say…“Here’s something for you to read”
arsmall over 13 years ago
Doorknockers! Cool!
moepatches2000 over 13 years ago
Yes. he was hiding behind the couch the whole time.
Simon_Jester over 13 years ago
Or LDS ( Mormons )
rocky_rand over 13 years ago
Absolutely perfect. Stephan Pastis and Mark Tatulli are keeping comics fresh and relevant. I hope that the BC editors get the joke.
Sandfan over 13 years ago
The arrogance, self righteousness and bigotry of the Christian evangelicals is surpassed only by the Muslims.
perenelleflamel over 13 years ago
You lost him?? Are you sure he isn’t hiding out in a cave in Pakistan – or for that matter, a small mansion? XDAlso gives me a kick that this strip called: B. (before) C. (Christ). Makes me wish he’d done some strip about the conversion of the Pagan masses in the Dark Age, but there, no way to avoid barbarism in THAT I guess – so back to the peaceful, if anachronistic, setting in some alternate-universe time warp seen only on this plant ever by Johny Hart (plus whoever has, woefully, taken over his pen – most regrettable…)
GoodQuestion Premium Member over 13 years ago
A high water Mark……..☻
rockngolfer over 13 years ago
That could be Mitt and Jon knocking.
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Kind of a self-righteous thing to say sandfan. Funny how the atheists are almost always looking into a mirror and seeing the enemy and thinking it’s someone else. ;-)
Bella_Tessa over 13 years ago
Hey, Tatulli, can we be a bit more original?
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Thanks for mentioning Christ today, Mark. Even evangelicals have long seen the humor in that discarded “found” opening. Stop by a real church with an open mind some day and maybe you’ll get to know him.
fortdearborn Premium Member over 13 years ago
Thanks to Mark Tatulli for bringing this to the attention of all those unaware of BC’s “slant”
Clobbered by Science Premium Member over 13 years ago
Send them to Scary Gary’s house. Leopold will take care of them.And am I the only one who saw this and thought of Book of Mormon? (The musical, not the book.)
wellfeded over 13 years ago
It’s Jehovah Witless, not witness.
cleokaya over 13 years ago
Was I supposed to be looking for him?
listmom over 13 years ago
Sadly, this strip is now dated since the heirs of Johnny Hart’s BC have pretty much done away with the Christian slant that Hart had going. Still — nice to see that Lio’s afraid of something.
kjoyner1123 over 13 years ago
Why? I really don’t understand why “Jesus” has to be brought into a comic strip. I am a huge Lio fan! I would realy like to know what was behind Mark’s thought process for this comic. Has he asked Jesus into his heart and is showing this through Lio? All of the comments that poke fun at Jesus are so unnecessary. We all die – we all go to one of two places – Heaven or Hell – I know where I am going without a shadow of a doubt, Heaven! Where are you going?
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
cleo: in point of fact he IS what you’ve been looking for. You just don’t know it yet. Revise Savage Garden. You knew you loved him before you met him…
dante.deangelo over 13 years ago
There’s irony in caveman spouting Christian doctrine
littlejeff over 13 years ago
Oh dear, some people have been offended! Retract everything!
warreno over 13 years ago
Nice. BC, after it became intolerably preachy, lost any merit it might ever have held.Too bad Lio doesn’t just sic Cybil on them, though.
bestis2come over 13 years ago
Hey, Mr. Tatulli! Very cute. This comic is super ironic And very symbolic The poor alcoholic Sometimes does not see The pull of dictators Who always must be RIGHT! above others.The humorist takes Discomfort we share and of that bond makes “us” laugh without care.Sorry about the others.
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
For educational purposes, kids: jws and Mormans are NOT Christian groups, are recognized as cults and do not want you to meet Jesus. One wants to introduce Satan’s bro (ms) and the other wants you to meet a created being on a par with angels as well (jws). Sad thing is that they work hard at being the door knocking public face while legit churches have taken to huddling around flag poles and trying to elect Pharisees,
hildigunnurr Premium Member over 13 years ago
bwahahahahahaha :D
Kanoeokalani Premium Member over 13 years ago
Good to see BC making “house calls” – go for it BC!!!
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
You tell ‘em, freeholder! While we’re at it, let’s not forget that Christians are just a messianic/apocalyptic cult of Judaism, who not only want you to believe that the One God has a begotten son who is also (somehow) God, but that this isn’t polytheism. How long have Catholics and Protestants been willing to acknowledge mutual Christianity? 100 years or so? What about the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church(es)? So many heretics, so little time…
dvoyack over 13 years ago
We’ll have to call missing persons in 24 hours to see if they found Jesus..
ChukLitl Premium Member over 13 years ago
I mostly get Baptists, I may have scared the Jovies away with the biblical definition of false prophets as anything short of 100% accuracy, & the biblical resolution (stoning). Heresy is a useful weapon against thumpers, if you know the book better than they do.
Lawrence Stetz Premium Member over 13 years ago
There is something paradoxical about religious cavemen.
WaitingMan over 13 years ago
I just love people who tell me I’m going to burn in hell for all eternity when they find out that I am not born again.That may be the only thing they know about me, but it doesn’t matter. I am doomed in their eyes because I don’t share their superstitions. Insanity. I’d be willing to bet that I live a more moral life than 95% of those who have told me I will burn.
bossyheifer over 13 years ago
Oh yeah, they’re hiding because they’re just SOOO scary!
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Jared: try reading the REAL Bible. Do you truly think Satan ad Jesus are brothers? Do You really believe Joe Smith is going to sit in judgment of everyone along with Jesus and God/ Do you really believe you will get a planet to rule when you come back? Are you praying for your long dead ancestors to be saved in the hereafter something the Bible clearly denies along with everything i mentioned above? you need to read all your churches beliefs. Try The Kingdom of the Cults. It’s in bookstores or you can order one. If you don’t believe me ask you church elders if these are all true. Try thinking of the part where some say “Lord, Lord” and he says ,“Away from me, I never knew ye.”
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Sandfan: so what? The devil believes in God and we know where he’s going. You might try Islam. They believe you only need to be 51% saved to make their heaven. you’re still going to eternal dying, but you’ll feel good about yourself all the way. Christianity says one sin outweighs all the good unless someone accepts the cover of the blood. Think of it as the real Christmas gift you never opened because you read bad things about it on the net and didn’t like the other kids who had it.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Evangelicals often ask if you’ve found Jesus because they’ve misplaced Him. Meanwhile, “In God We Trust” takes His place.
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Sorry to tell the truth, Fritz. Yeah, a lot of division from the Church becoming an institution. Like our Israelite cousins when they cried to Moses to be a buffer between them and God, people over the ages have chosen to hide in institutions and give their minds to overlords, called Priests, and not think, just follow the rituals. Protestantism began tom break the idea and it took the American experiment to take it most of the way home.The isms and ist are being shaken.Not following the Spirit and it’s written truth was divisive even in Paul’s time. I choose to see the current calling of folks back to more open forums as the next and perhaps last step into relational training instead of dogmas. (And the current pope recently issued a statement that the Catholic church is the only true church, so I guess you missed that as well. Hard to let go of reins that give you that kind of power.) Unfortunately, If you don’t tell people there are wolves in sheep’s clothing, you let them be eaten and spiritually lost. And I don’t see it as love to allow your brother to be deceived.
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
And that sect of Judaism thing was a Roman opinion. Paul never treated it that way and fought to bring equality in the church
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
Chuk: Hope you someday know the person as well as you claim to know the book
bestis2come over 13 years ago
Sandfan: exactly.
stefaninafla over 13 years ago
I’ve never had door to door Muslim evangelists come to my home… only Christian. That’s why the strip is funny.
joylion over 13 years ago
Not really that funny……
MelvinLott over 13 years ago
Very funny!!!
rgcviper over 13 years ago
Ha—nice hybrid, Mark!
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
sorry you and sandy don’t know that organized religion was exactly what Jesus didn’t have a lot of use for either, bestis.
Goblinopolis over 13 years ago
Yeah, B.C. always stood for “Blatantly Christian.”
Donald Sluter Premium Member over 13 years ago
I didn’t know that he was lost.
jumbobrain over 13 years ago
This is the first comic I have laughed out loud at in years.
bestis2come over 13 years ago
Freeholder – you know nothing about me – you ought to think before putting your foot in your mouth.
cutiepie29 over 13 years ago
Jaredmoore, thank you for standing up for us. I was getting a bit indignant, but you kept your cool and I appreciate that.
blusue over 13 years ago
Love it! Be afraid! Be very afraid!
Sherlock Watson over 13 years ago
I’m hearing Frank Zappa’s “The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing” playing in my head.
penguin56 almost 9 years ago
Cybil should attack him