Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for March 25, 2010
Bob says, "Hey, Larry? Look dis peecture of leetle newt? Newts has cool snake face. Me want look cool like newt." Larry says, "Geet plasteec surgeon change for you, Bob." Bob says, "Yeah? Whuh me tell heem?" Larry says, "Go een and say, 'Hi, my name Bob. Me want be newtered.'" Junior says, "Uhh, dad..." Larry says, "Peese, son, no inteerupt." Bob says, "Yeah... Whuh me got lose?"
NJ Lyon over 12 years ago
In answer to Bob’s question: your Oompa Loompas.
tj6974 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I was in the barber chair when I read this and broke out laughing. Nice job.
gocomics over 10 years ago
@Grant_Lankford You mean the smiley face on Larry’s cap?
zaz over 5 years ago
Bob isn’t particularly smart…
Bye Bye Jeffy almost 4 years ago
he has something very important to lose
alantain over 1 year ago
Probably better if he doesn’t reproduce anyway.