Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 17, 1992
Calvin: This is what I like about photography. People think cameras always tell the truth. They think the camera is a dispassionate machine that records only facts, but really, cameras lie all the time! Select the facts and you manipulate the truth! For example, I've cleared off this corner of my bed. Take a picture of me here, but crop out all the mess around me, so it looks like I keep my room tidy. Hobbes: Is this even legal? Calvin: Wait, let me comb my hair and put on a tie.
Icalasari over 14 years ago
Clearly Calvin is unfamiliar with the internet and how everything looks shopped ;P
yow4zip Premium Member over 7 years ago
Combed hair and a tie would be too unbelievable.
MacBoi over 6 years ago
This is a big problem these days… I can’t believe they are talking about this in 1992! Bill must be psychic! And yes, it’s legal…
friiobe over 4 years ago
what to leave here
Me2times. about 4 years ago
Panel 2 just talked about CNN and other mainstream news networks
Odie's best friend almost 3 years ago
calvin combing his hair?!