Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 13, 1995
Television: Next, on eyewitness action news: blood-spattered sidewalks and shroud-covered bodies! Could the next victim be you?? We'll get the story from the living rooms of sobbing, hysterical relatives and we'll tell you why you should be paralyzed with helpless fear! That's eyewitness action news! It's what you need to know!
littleworld over 9 years ago
The newspaper aren’t much better, dad.
Marathon Zack over 9 years ago
That’s why I prefer “Eye Witless News” from BC.
MegaCass over 6 years ago
I guess that explains why the Dad here prefers to read books.
yow4zip Premium Member almost 5 years ago
No paralysis here.
JasonJackson over 4 years ago
THAT I agree with the old man: NOT something we’d need to know. Besides, this sounds like something Calvin would love to watch.
benjnavarro28 over 2 years ago
Complete with fast-paced dramatic music…