Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for July 28, 2011
Arlo: I don't blame Gene, not going back to dorm life for a few hours of electives! Janis: I know. Arlo: He says he can get them on the coast. Janis: Oh, I can hear him now! Janis: "We're slammed at work, Mom, but next semester, I promise!" Gene: I'm thinking about a masters in horticulture...
bdaverin over 13 years ago
…but you can’t make her think.
Varnes over 13 years ago
Genetics are funny. The love Gene is directly connected to the worry Gene. Thought balloon, last panel: “Jeeze, it’s about time…” The year’s at the spring, And the day’s at the morn. Morning’s at seven. The hillside’s dew pearled. The lark’s on the wing, The snail’s on the thorn. God’s in his Heaven. All’s right with the world.Burns
elysummers over 13 years ago
Good for you Gene . . . .since you know little to nothing about gardening.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
apron strings tied in firm knot there
StoicLion1973 over 13 years ago
@Shirl Summ – don’t discount Gene; he and Mary Lou are looking into getting their own farm. A MS in Horticulture would be beneficial to that endeavor!
Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago
Gene is still working in the diner.
akiss38 over 13 years ago
Don’t let go of the dream Gene!
lmchildress over 13 years ago
Varnes, that’s actually Browning… Pippa Passes.Re the strip, his mother sure doesn’t know him very well, does she?
davedelk over 13 years ago
Gene will be going organic, awesome
Varnes over 13 years ago
Lisa, you are absolutely right. Browning. Oops! But isn’t it called Pippin’s Song? I know it’s part of a much larger work..