Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 19, 1998
Tiffany looks over her essay. It says, "So, in conclusion, cheerleading is the most important thing to me because I have learned SO much!" Essay continues, "Mostly, I have learned to be proud- yet humble- that I have been given the honor of keeping the spirit of Pitts School shining bright for my classmates, my community and my great country, the United States of America!! The End. Word count: 1,002." Mr. Fogarty looks over the essay and reads, "'..Plus, I've learned to shovel big heaps of bull to pad my essay'." Tiffany yells, "I didn't write that!" Mr. F says, "But it's here anyway."
delemus over 12 years ago
you lose, she pretty much said she pads her wonderbra during the arc about luann’s ‘missing’ report.
neatslob Premium Member over 10 years ago
Don’t all students do that with essays?
DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Are teachers allowed to say that?
Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Mr. Fogarty is pretty ironic. But has a point.
ElJorro over 2 years ago
That is a time honored tradition among students.