Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 08, 2011
Goat: Did you know the ancient Greeks had a tradition of breaking pottery and giving each citizen a shard on which they could write the name of one guy they wanted to kick out of the city? Whoever got the most votes was exiled. Pig: Is that true? Goat; Yeah. And the Greek word for pottery is 'ostrakon,' which is where get the word 'ostracize'... isn't that - Noise: Ksshhhh... Rat; The words, 'that boring goat,' won't fit on my shard.
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 13 years ago
Maybe Rat can now have a shard sale.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Ostracism was an Athenian idiosyncratic custom, not panhellenic: also, I prefer sherd to “shard.”And an ostrakon is a sherd, not a whole pot, Goat. Other than those quibbles, you should be honored that Rat so fears you as to vote for your ostracism! But not until a majority of the voting characters are joined in his selection need you abandon us for ten years!
perceptor3 over 13 years ago
I can think of a few politicians this needs to be applied to. Not to mention certain Hollywood personalities. . .
bahramthered over 13 years ago
How many shards did my quarter buy?(j/k)
zero over 13 years ago
Rat’s motto is " Primum noceo…"
eddie6192 over 13 years ago
Mr. Crappo should fit.
gordrogb Premium Member over 13 years ago
Does this also explain the derivation of the word “crackpot”?
Tennessee_Budd over 13 years ago
Stay stupid, Rat. Who likes knowledge, anyway?
loganswift over 13 years ago
Yeah I think Rat would find himself on the losing end of that battle. It’s majority rule.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
In one regard, ostracism was a step toward civilization since it meant assassination was rare in Anc. Greek politics. On the other hand, it also shows the danger of democracy without a concept of individual rights, though not as dramatically as the democratic decision to execute Socrates.
Arianne over 13 years ago
♩♫♩ High on a hill was a lonely goatsherd…
CoBass over 13 years ago
Regarding “shard” vs. “sherd” – I also think you missed the part where he said “I prefer”.And if I’m not mistaken, Sisyphos is a retired professor of ancient Greek history. He hardly needs to consult Wikipedia or other Internet resources to be knowledgeable about the subject.
perins over 13 years ago
Adios Over the Hedge
hariseldon59 over 13 years ago
Rat looks like he’s headed to a toga party at the frat house tonight.
iFerrarifan over 13 years ago
OK… I vote Rat.
legaleagle48 over 13 years ago
So, Goat is the Cliff of the Pearls set?
massha over 13 years ago
@TheTrustedMechanic wow dude what’s with the hostility and super-defensiveness? The original post did not warrant that by any measure.
finale over 13 years ago
Does anyone else see an opportunity for a new character: “Ostacize the Ostritch” ? He/she would be gone before he/she started working on the strip.
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
Nice laurel wreath, Rat.
Lamberger over 13 years ago
So pottery is recursive. Cool!
jkhandy over 13 years ago
Out instead with the dirty rat that craps and pees constantly
Fan o’ Lio. over 13 years ago
You say sherd – I say shard – Lets call the whole thing off.
Number Three over 13 years ago
Sherlock Watson over 13 years ago
And here I thought “ostracism” was something Jewish ostriches have done to their children. Go figure.
hariseldon59 over 13 years ago
Sounds like an early version of “Survivor”.
Fan o’ Lio. over 13 years ago
Maybe Rat could write a book titled “My Pet Goat”.
Fan o’ Lio. over 13 years ago
KSSHHHHH is a strange sound for breaking pottery.
squirrel500 over 13 years ago
Say I if goat is boring.I
mofo315 over 13 years ago
still upset over the “melvin” tragedy… he, like, menudo now?
bmonk over 13 years ago
I thought that pottery willingly sacrificed itself enough that they didn’t need to break it. Monte Testaccio, a hill near Ostia in Rome is made entirely out of broken amphorae.
fmasroor over 13 years ago
Hey, the wall is back!
thekingster over 13 years ago
Take a vacation from these strips only to see juveniles still frequent here. sigh
BOSFLASH almost 6 years ago
The pottery must have held a laurel wreath for more impact.