Man: Awright, Mr. Grocery store manager! Open the safe and give us the moolah! Man: Bag man's time to check out!! Dean: Every superhero has his or her own unique catchphrase. Heart: But I'd say, "it's time to check out" needs work.
rayannina over 13 years ago
How about “plastic … or PAPER!”
TheSoundDefense over 13 years ago
Cleanup on aisle YOUR FACE!
zero over 13 years ago
Simply rearrange it to “IT’s CHECK OUT TIME!”
hippogriff over 13 years ago
I would have even dropped the “It’s”.
Michelle Morris over 13 years ago
I’d rethink the “B.M.” logo.
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
I guess when there’s a death in the family, he wears sackclothe.
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
“It’s time to CHECK OUT!” sounds more appropriate for a motel than a grocery store.
How about “It’s Double-Coupon Day!” for a one-two punch?
jerseyinsd over 13 years ago
i like rayannina’s too. taking it one step farther: he’d name his fists “paper” and “plastic”, and ask the criminals the question.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
When it comes to stopping criminals… it’s in the bag.