Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for August 31, 2011

  1. Missing large
    Dwilesjr  over 13 years ago

    My friend ron does that he puts it in the microwave for like 3 minutes and watches it then he swears if you wait another 40 seconds after you hear the last one pop the un popped ones will pop…..then he burns the bag from the bottom and all the popcorn tastes like your eating charcoal

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  2. Missing large
    vwdualnomand  over 13 years ago

    we have rule at work where microwave popcorn is prohibited. too many people burn the popcorn, which sets the microwave on fire, sets the smoke alarm, and breaks the microwave. then, we have to get replacement.

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  3. Tintagel
    scottartist creator over 13 years ago

    @Dennis Wiles If the failure of his theory doesn’t convince your friend, try to point out that some kernels simply can’t pop and never will. They don’t have the correct amount of moisture to set off the explosion that turns them chewy and delish. He’s kidding himself and we all know it.

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  4. Zakour signing
    johnzakour Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Sadly i do this at home…

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  5. Me with salmon  small
    EricAlder  over 13 years ago

    Just follow the directions. They always tell you to stop the microwave when you don’t hear any more popping after 5-10 seconds. Better to sacrifice a few kernels than ruin the whole batch.

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    smjlucky1  over 13 years ago

    At our office they moved the microwaves from the break room to each section. So we have different smells in the office most of the day. Besides the stinky burned popcorn, we have also had exploded eggs. The lady that did this ran out of eggs after the third try. Exploding eggs smell worse than the burned popcorn.

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  7. Feathalion cropped 2009.04.09 reasonably small
    GESWho  over 13 years ago

    My old Microwave died last year. I miss it. It would pop bags of popcorn just right; no burned ones, few un-popped kernels, and the bag pretty much full of yummyness.

    The replacement starts to burn the popped ones almost from the first pop, and most of the kernels either don’t get a chance to pop because I stop it before too much burning happens, or I end up with charcoal. I’ve given up on microwave popcorn. The old popcorn machine will be brought out by Halloween, if not sooner, as soon as I can find it….

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  8. Tintagel
    scottartist creator over 13 years ago

    I worked years ago at Laura Ashley. One day the CEO came downstairs and wanted to know what smelled like it was burning in his office. Some knothead burned popcorn in the first floor breakroom and stunk up the entire building.

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  9. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 13 years ago

    Despite the number of microwaves that have died – our employer still allows the nuking of popcorn. On each and every one of our 16 floors. Its just that if you nuke – then you must babysit the microwave. Which of course means someone will come by to chat and then the distraction happens and the watched microwave is forgotten until the last pop has started to burn baby, burn!

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  10. Ralphziggy
    RalphZIggy  over 13 years ago

    we have two women at work who are wonderful chefs, bring in exotic dishes that they have cooked at home. However, they burn popcorn in the microwave constantly

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