Girl: Why, Herr DrosselRoger, what an interesting gift.
Man: It's a nosecracker.
Girl: A what?
Man: A nosecracker. It cracks noses.
Girl: What am I supposed to do with a nosecracker? OW!
Man: I'd suggest giving it away. That's what I did.
Destiny23 about 13 years ago
“Hey Jason, I have a present for you!!!”
fhhuber about 13 years ago
That has to be an improvement
Doctor11 about 13 years ago
Now THIS is a painful dream. Ouch!
Xane_T about 13 years ago
He warned her not to put it too close to her face!“I told you not to touch it! It’s not my fault!”
Stephen Gilberg about 13 years ago
I’ve never said “ow” in a dream. Anything that would’ve been that painful wakes me up.
DerkinsVanPelt218 about 13 years ago
Usually, feeling pain in a dream wakes me up. I once dreamt I was swimming, and woke up when I banged my arm on the entertainment center in my room.
makemlaugh about 13 years ago
Hmmm, that gives me an idea. Thank you Herr Drosselbill.
chess18 about 13 years ago
Ah! Ah! Progress to 2nd REM stage! Quickly! Quickly! (A corny neuroscience joke!)