When I was growing up the only sound you heard was a push-reel mower. When power mowers first came on the market they were gas engine powered reel mowers. When the blade mower came out I was amazed…..it would cut the high grass a reel mower wouldn’t cut.
I always wondered why people don’t cut the grass at oohh..say dusk…then realized that is when the “Michigan Vampires” are the busiest!…long grass isn’t sooo bad…
Mowing the lawn at 7am is no more inconsiderate than the noisy neighbors you can hear laughing and talking till midnight. Chances are if they keep you up till Midnight they deserve to be woke up at 7am by the mower, after all most noise enforcement laws are quiet time from 10pm to 6am and alot of people violate them after 10pm
kreole over 13 years ago
When I was growing up the only sound you heard was a push-reel mower. When power mowers first came on the market they were gas engine powered reel mowers. When the blade mower came out I was amazed…..it would cut the high grass a reel mower wouldn’t cut.
Llewellenbruce over 13 years ago
How can Earl tell what time it is without his glasses on?
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
That’s one way to beat the Texas heat, but you won’t make any friends doing it.
BigSlurpy over 13 years ago
It’s always better with a hangover.
Lil LuLu "D" over 13 years ago
been there done that….. ;o)
Jolly1995 over 13 years ago
Love Pickles!!!!!!
confederate1956 over 13 years ago
You might know she’d have to get a dig in on her husband.
jtviper7 over 13 years ago
7:00 AM and they’re not out of bed yet ?Earl and Opal must have had a party last night…
Number Three over 13 years ago
I’m like that when the window cleaners make such a racket and wake me up.
LOL xxx
YatInExile over 13 years ago
In south Louisiana, you have to cut your grass at 7 a.m. If you wait until later in the day, it gets too hot.
Ginispics over 13 years ago
I always wondered why people don’t cut the grass at oohh..say dusk…then realized that is when the “Michigan Vampires” are the busiest!…long grass isn’t sooo bad…
TheAuldWan over 13 years ago
Kreole sounds like he’s my age.. Collidge was prez.
MauiMia over 13 years ago
@Number SixI love it!!!
jtviper7 over 13 years ago
@spirit2002.. I’m retired up at 5 am every day. Age has nothing to do with it. Most older peopledo rise early.
angelfiredragon over 13 years ago
Mowing the lawn at 7am is no more inconsiderate than the noisy neighbors you can hear laughing and talking till midnight. Chances are if they keep you up till Midnight they deserve to be woke up at 7am by the mower, after all most noise enforcement laws are quiet time from 10pm to 6am and alot of people violate them after 10pm