Dark Side of the Horse by Samson for August 26, 2011
Washer: Yo, dryer! What's up? Dryer: Well, I've been trying to get better at sock tasting. You're not supposed to eat 'em but this morning thee was this cashmere sock... it tasted so good I couldn't stop myself! Melody: Every time you do the laundry, something disappears!
zero over 13 years ago
You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Horace Zone.
Simon_Jester over 13 years ago
I thought horses wore their socks permanently
doowiki over 13 years ago
Why is Melody upset? They don’t even wear clothes!
CasualBrowser over 13 years ago
Wait, he’s throwing CASHMERE in the washer? He probably would have been in trouble with her anyway.
Heima over 13 years ago
Sometimes, trying to explain your innocence is a ‘wash’.
WaitingMan over 13 years ago
First “Gasoline Alley”? Now “Dark Side…”? Has the laundry room become the new hub of humor?
Ermine Notyours over 13 years ago
See? I told you it wasn’t the washer that was eating the socks.
Sherlock Watson over 13 years ago
Sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me sock it to me…(Name that reference!)