Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for September 13, 2011
Man: You're back from the Haywire house! Did the dame still have the keys? And did she finally replace those awful curtains in her room? Man: They key was there! River Jack will be most pleased, despite my bad news about the curtains! Pilot: Sorry, boys, we're grounded - big hurricane is headed directly into our flight path. Man: You will start the engines, amigo - Man: What's more dangerous right now - a bullet or some tropical winds? Pilot: Beverage service will be suspended, there's a $50 luggage fee for your guns, and nobody better sue me for whiplash afterward! Man: You should be a motivational speaker, Santo.
Veridian over 13 years ago
Hmmmm…Think I’ll call “Shenanigans!” on this Animated Adventuresome Arc thus Far and Dispense some Long Overdue Huzzahs and HUGPOUNCEZZZ! Also, Ahm’a Bettin’ that RIVER JACK is, in some Convoluted Cartoon Way, related to Jack Spade….But Only Our Man Thompson Knows for Sure! :-) have Fun Y’all!
punchydugan over 13 years ago
I’m just glad that TNT is safe. Saturday’s strip gave me a bit of a scare.
StoicLion1973 over 13 years ago
Big Whoop County must be a storm chaser’s dream. Blizzards in the winter, tornadoes and hurricanes!
dan thompson creator over 13 years ago
Big Whoop County is a pretty dangerous place to live…Which of course is why the Haywire’s enjoy living there!
The Reader Premium Member over 13 years ago
Run this by me again. The hijackers are getting hijacked?
spirit2002 over 13 years ago
Sounds like most airlines. Charges on top of charges. Give it to the little people every chance they can.
DorianKTB over 13 years ago
Hey, Veridian, good to see ya! HUGPOUNCES and HUZZAHS to you and yours! Now I want to know what’s up with Cobra and this River Jack jasper!
SkyFisher over 13 years ago
Dan, I like the tilted second panel. Reminds me of the tilted camera angles they always used for the villans in the original campy Batman TV series. It was to emphasize that the villans were not “on the level.”Or were you just trying to fit in more of the plane?
dan thompson creator over 13 years ago
If I say’ I was trying to fit the plane in’…will you hold it against me? Seriously, I just thought it looked cool slanted instead of straight.
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
“Tropical winds”, he says..I’ve dealt with quite a few of those “tropical winds” in my home country. I think it’s safe to say whiplash will be the very least of their problems…