Beethoven rocks! If you don’t believe me, check out the recording of his Symphonies 5 & 7 by Carlos Kleiber conducting the Vienna Philharmonic. (Available at popular websites everywhere,)
Schroeder is quite a cult leader! I hope they play my favorite Beethoven coposition: ‘Ode To Joy.’ for the birthday party. Beethoven wrote all that while stone deaf.
policelimit Premium Member about 13 years ago
Beethoven’s Fifth?
stcrowe about 13 years ago
Lucy doesn’t seem like the type to get dragged into this sort of thing, but I suppose she wants Schroeder’s attention.
GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago
Yes that was totally unLucy-like.
Wren Fahel about 13 years ago
Well, first, it DOES get Schroeder’s attention, and second, she gets to LEAD! THAT is totally Lucy-like. :)
WaitingMan about 13 years ago
Beethoven rocks! If you don’t believe me, check out the recording of his Symphonies 5 & 7 by Carlos Kleiber conducting the Vienna Philharmonic. (Available at popular websites everywhere,)
kbyrdleroy123 about 13 years ago
It should be a national holiday, IMO.
Alyianna about 13 years ago
Just drop out then, Snoopy.
PShaw0423 about 13 years ago
“5”? You mean on the sign Lucy is carrying? That’s musical notation — a “G clef” symbol — not a number. Think of it as a music nerd in-joke. :)
aerospacehead about 13 years ago
The beagle speaks the truth! Dang signs DO get heavy!
grok450 about 13 years ago
Where do I send the Birthday gift?
Number Three about 13 years ago
Awwwwww, So cute!
n64kid888 about 13 years ago
is it true?
jimelek about 13 years ago
Only 18 days?!!? Good thing today is “Cyber Monday”!
iced tea about 13 years ago
Schroeder is quite a cult leader! I hope they play my favorite Beethoven coposition: ‘Ode To Joy.’ for the birthday party. Beethoven wrote all that while stone deaf.
doodoodle about 13 years ago
Burgmuller is better.
juanfe 234 9 about 13 years ago
i dunnomaybe? ok