Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 27, 2011
Kim: So how's it going with Leo? Alex: Well, you never know what guys are thinking... but I'm reasonably sure he adores me. Mike: So the year got off to a tough start. Knowing we were going to lose Mom didn't make it any easier when we did. But she had a good, long life, and we were lucky to had her with us in her final years. And she left behind a family that's blessed. We have good health, and economic security, at a time when so many have neither. So let's just take a moment to reflect on all we have to be grateful for. To family, and... Alex: Dad, why did I have to inherit your nose?
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
Couple of days late, don’t ya think?
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Trust the impetuous Alex to “tell it like it is” — as we used to say back in the 60s.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Observations: • Mike’s glasses have no bridge, no temples, no temple tips, and no nose pads. And they’re falling off UNDER his nose. • Kim looks too young, as young as Alex. • What is SID doing there? • And, as LWP says, Thanksgiving has come a number of days late.
shotsy5 about 13 years ago
pjknb about 13 years ago
Wow you guys are critical!!! IT’S A CARTOON FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!! GET OVER IT! :)
Panufo about 13 years ago
Only Trudeau can be poignant and sardonic at the same time. That nose has been bugging everybody for forty years, and Alex finally came out and said something. Comic timing to rival Jack Benny or Bob Hope.
goulo about 13 years ago
Critical in a very silly way indeed. If each strip is required to take place on the day it is actually published, that means many apparently 10-minute conversations (e.g. Jeff and Becca’s of the past week) actually lasted a whole week, with people sleeping overnight before continuing the next part of the conversation the next day. :)
Coyoty Premium Member about 13 years ago
Nothing like a little whine with dinner.
Crabbyrino Premium Member about 13 years ago
Thanksgiving dinners often happen @ later dates due to work schedules, flights, etc. It isn’t a bad thing to reflect on your blessings…daily.
goalgo about 13 years ago
frankly, I’ve always thought that Alex had Zonker’s nose. I’ve been waiting for that story to break for years.
ajnotales about 13 years ago
I think it’s time for a lot of commenters to close their laptops, go to the drawing boards, create an internationally distributed comic of their own, and sit back to enjoy all the kudos which will surely pour in… (ahem) … in the meantime, I think it’s time for ME to stop reading these comments and just enjoy the creations of those artists who have the wherewithall to bring their visions to life, and light.
J Short about 13 years ago
She also inherited those dark circles under the eyes. (Probably food allergies.)
zenguyuno about 13 years ago
I believe that’s Bernie, not Sid.
radconPU83 about 13 years ago
@leftwingpatriot: I’m inclined to be a bit more forgiving for his timing, as the space allotted for a daily strip would not have allowed him to do what he did effectively. Waters dropped Calv.1n and Hobbes, in part, because of that restriction. Besides, our fellow readers in Canada could say (if they weren’t so polite) that we all are about a MONTH too late1 ;)
FriscoLou about 13 years ago
And Alex’s and Leo’s kids will be complaining about their popsicle stick noses. Way to go Daisy.
TexTech about 13 years ago
The reason has nothing to do with politics. Leo has a family of his own (granted not a great one) to spend Thanksgiving with. Then there is the matter of who will pay to fly him from the east coast to the west coast? Besides, most liberals respect soldiers but not necessarily the jobs our leaders have sent them to do.
underwriter about 13 years ago
@DylanThomas3.14159Mike’s glasses are pince nez style. Because his nose is long and skinny, the nose pads come together beneath his nose which is why they are hidden. The bridge is clear plastic, thus invisible. Pince nez don’t have temple bars. I wouldn’t wear them, but Mike has worn them for decades. I think everyone else has covered everything else.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Difference between Nam war and Iraq-Afghan wars. ‘Member Bob Dylan’s song, “For the times, they are a-changin’”? Society has changed. People today do distinguish between the soldier, who fights from his own convictions, and our country’s leaders who send them off to war for political reasons.
marvee about 13 years ago
Celebrating Thanksgiving on Sunday is fine! We should give thanks every day.Glasses under the nose in panel 6 is strange but other complaints are just petty!
bblosser about 13 years ago
Kim IS young. She is one of the last orphans to leave VietNam at the end of the war. She is not as young as Alex but she is considerably younger than Mike.
pnorman1 about 13 years ago
Tigger, you made me cry. Thanksgiving hasn’t been the same since Momma left us in ’95 and never will be.
Gokie5 about 13 years ago
I t hought Alex’s question was hilarious (if unkind and not appropriate for the moment). Trudeau’s a genius!
Gokie5 about 13 years ago
Yes, that does appear to be Bernie. He lives in the Seattle area, too, and frequently drops in on Mike.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Weren’t you posting here a couple of months back under a different screen name?
Gokie5 about 13 years ago
Speaking of coveringThanksgiving on the “wrong day,” as a couple of people have commented, other strips took several days to get through Thanksgiving Day. Those strips include Sally Forth, which gives new meaning to the term “nuclear family.” Does anyone know where I can find comments on this strip? I wish that would run it.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Was I posting here a couple of months back under a different screen name? No. Were you?
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Weren’t you posting here a couple of months back under a different screen name?
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
Learn how to write.
Whitecamry about 13 years ago
Take it up with ‘God’, Alex.:^*
hkyjckfjt about 13 years ago
Kids always dwell on the important things.