Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 26, 2001
"I can't believe you! Artur takes your place as our best player, and so you're quitting the team?" "You don't understand." "I don't understand? Gee, why would I understand? The exact same thing only happened to me!" "What are you talking about?" "Nate, before you joined the team, I was our number one player!" "But that was different! I was so clearly better than you!" "Is there no end to your self-absorption?" "Plus, I'm so much more lovable than Artur!"
BigNate+CalvinandHobbes=:) almost 12 years ago
IzzyLizzyisawesome1234 about 7 years ago
nate is NOT more loveable
IzzyLizzyisawesome1234 about 7 years ago
111111 over 6 years ago
define different…
TheAmazingCrafter over 6 years ago
Nate does need to be a little less self absorbed.
MateRight about 6 years ago
Nate IS just too full of himself, they shouldn’t let him even play on the chess team if he wanted to
Comicness7 almost 6 years ago
Francis is super tall in the last panel.
JonAthon1 over 5 years ago
ComicFan4Life over 4 years ago
Nate’s ego is bigger than the school itself
Jacop✔️ over 4 years ago
Artur is way more love able but less entertaining
SuperCharged5- almost 4 years ago
You’re gonna be proved wrong on that, Nate
me_the_polish_gull over 3 years ago
Artur got only one girlfriend. Nate got three of them in this entire comic (novels don’t count).
zhongwuyou51 over 3 years ago
i wAs tOTallY sO ClEarLy BetTTer tHaN YoU! lIke aRtuR isn’t TotTalY bETter tHaN mE! aNd, I’m sOOOOOOOOOO MucHHHHHHHH mOrEEEEEE lOvEaBle! eVen thOuGh moST peOpLe ReSeNt mEEEE aNd lOVe aRtUR! YeS!
Mario Kart about 3 years ago
Nate will always be self-absorbed.
Aerodynamic almost 3 years ago
Nate is better then Frances
leopardglily over 2 years ago
He is too self-absorbed.
Mayor Orangutan over 2 years ago
Nate is the exact opposite of lovable. Artur on the other hand…
Arcery 6 months ago
Nate wants to be the best and can’t tolerate it if ANYONE is better!
sansdm 4 months ago
francis expressions in panel 2 is hilarious