And when he spends 24 hours a day in there just sleeping, his wife yells at him to get out more. It does have a 72" HDTV, but most of the channels just show close-ups of salmon, berries and nuts.
[Abject Plea for Knowledge] I have satellite TV and internet. Can any of you tech savvy folks explain why the right kind of cloudy conditions will almost always knock out my internet signal, but not my TV signal? If the dish is picking up one, why isn’t it picking up the other?
I know of a big building in D.C. with some beautiful wood panelling that this bear could help decorate. The present occupants sure aren’t doing anything to improve it. And it would create 535 new jobs!
What more could a bear ask for….. four (well, 3) strong walls and roof to call home. A little wall decoration, a place to hang your hat and plenty to eat (well, something has to be done with the parts below the empty heads!) Just the bear necessities….. ;)
weasel_monkey about 13 years ago
Isn’t it lacking a little in creature comforts?
wilb44 about 13 years ago
The has the bear essentials.
hsawlrae about 13 years ago
Life doesn’t get any better than this.
Ida No about 13 years ago
And when he spends 24 hours a day in there just sleeping, his wife yells at him to get out more. It does have a 72" HDTV, but most of the channels just show close-ups of salmon, berries and nuts.
GalleyOar about 13 years ago
And we always thought Uncle Earl started a new family in Poughkeepsie. Sorry Earl.
AB9SS about 13 years ago
These past few months have had some great gems/pearls of wisdom but…WHAT ABOUT THE EKERT!?
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 13 years ago
And very proud of it.
psychlady about 13 years ago
Hey, it works for them – I guess.
Deborah N Lurie about 13 years ago
ImaginaryFriend about 13 years ago
I know of a few people that could say that too.
tripwire45 about 13 years ago
I hope they were in season. Hate to think the bear’s a poacher. ;-)
Dr_Fogg about 13 years ago
I think he’s borrowing a little from Far Side. But they really do look like the Pep Boys! :)
gosfreikempe about 13 years ago
Isn’t that “The right to bare arms?” Though why anyone’d want to bare their arms at -20ºC is beyond me.
Plods with ...™ about 13 years ago
I wonder how fast the pickup was going when they hit the outside of the cave.
vldazzle about 13 years ago
@Firefighter, the Ekert has probably shrunk to nothing because all the evil attitudes have eluded him.
kpduty about 13 years ago
Sort of a bare bones decorating scheme.
DD764DCA about 13 years ago
The fourth hunter didn’t have to outrun the bear.
Digital Frog about 13 years ago
@weasel_monkey – he just went with the ♪♫ bear necessities…(Now you’ll have that song in your head for the rest of the day…)
Varnes about 13 years ago
Watch for plaque buildup!
Sandfan about 13 years ago
Not so peppy now, are they?
Sandfan about 13 years ago
[Pleasantly Surprised] As soon as I read today’s strip, I expected the comments to be filled with anti-hunting screeds.
Sandfan about 13 years ago
[Abject Plea for Knowledge] I have satellite TV and internet. Can any of you tech savvy folks explain why the right kind of cloudy conditions will almost always knock out my internet signal, but not my TV signal? If the dish is picking up one, why isn’t it picking up the other?
Nelly55 about 13 years ago
brilliant Wiley!
bmonk about 13 years ago
Of course there’s no TV—he keeps that in his den.
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
Laugh-out-loud brilliant!I always thought the term “man cave” was incredibly stupid – until now.
Potrzebie about 13 years ago
Aww, the poor critters! Some of those had offspring to feed!!!
bluegirl285 about 13 years ago
My dad’s man cave is still better.
Digital Frog about 13 years ago
@sandfan – Might also be that your TV can handle some data loss better than an internet connection can.
Natoon about 13 years ago
It just goes to show that three heads are better than pun.
APersonOfInterest about 13 years ago
I think I met those three guys at the L. L. Bean store a few weeks ago.
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
(humorous) or.. This is my brother Daryl, and this is my other brother Daryl.
lin4869 about 13 years ago
At least they died with their hats on…as opposed to boots?
AKHenderson Premium Member about 13 years ago
The trophy wall needs a marquee: “The .00001 Percent.”.(Earth has 8.7 million species.)
MelvinLott about 13 years ago
Excellent, Wiley!
bluskies about 13 years ago
I know of a big building in D.C. with some beautiful wood panelling that this bear could help decorate. The present occupants sure aren’t doing anything to improve it. And it would create 535 new jobs!
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
What more could a bear ask for….. four (well, 3) strong walls and roof to call home. A little wall decoration, a place to hang your hat and plenty to eat (well, something has to be done with the parts below the empty heads!) Just the bear necessities….. ;)
sleepeeg3 about 13 years ago
Good one, Wiley. Bears are the best.
alan.gurka about 13 years ago
What? No man-skin rugs?