For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for January 30, 2012

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    ABComic  almost 13 years ago

    “Because I’m a lazy clown…..”

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    millie p  almost 13 years ago

    Sigh. I wonder if she sets out his clothes for him each day at home too? (You can’t complain that men never grow up if you continue to treat them like children.)

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  3. Dementors suck
    slug_queen  almost 13 years ago

    Does she cut his meat for him at the table?

    John, suck it up, act like an adult. If you want it done your way, do it yourself.

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  4. Dementors suck
    slug_queen  almost 13 years ago

    Worth noting though- Lynn has gone back into the archives, and as I remember it, these strips are about 30 years old. I got married in ‘83… Yeah, he’s being a bit of a jerk, but not too much for the time.

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    Elaine Rosco Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Nice try John!

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    psychlady  almost 13 years ago

    Oh, John, grow up and do it yourself!

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  7. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    My mother never packed my father’s suitcase, even in the 80’s. “Careful with the packing, Elly”?? How about “Thanks for packing for me, Elly”! If she forgot something, then check over it before you leave. Ridiculous.@Nab – careful, your bitterness is showing. Your experiences are certainly not typical or representative of people our age.

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    LucindaWyman_1  almost 13 years ago

    My husband still can’t remember his mother’s birthday, or his sister’s…that’s my job. (When I asked him once how old his mom was, he said “I dunno.”) He’s a mean cook, and he knows how to do laundry and clean things, but he just doesn’t want to. I’ve left something on the floor (like a store receipt or a small piece of paper towel) and he’s never picked it up; I say “Don’t you see that?” “See what?” He will walk around something or step over it rather than pick it up and put it away. When we go on vacation, guess who gets to do 90% of the packing!

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    puddleglum1066  almost 13 years ago

    (Beeeeeep) This is an important notice from the Comics Advisory Board (Beeeeep): this is a comic strip, a four panel gag. The first three panels are the set-up for a “reversal” punch line in the fourth. They should not be mistaken for actual conversation between married people. Thank you for your support.

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    mona.a.geer Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    you guys are taking this way too seriously – it’s a COMIC STRIP and IT’S A JOKE…

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    nancyroy2  almost 13 years ago

    the comments are are more entertaining than the comics today :)

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    kaylawil  almost 13 years ago

    I would have just said, “Fine, do it yourself,” and left the room.

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    summerdog86  almost 13 years ago

    I’ve said it before, you comment police…..I’ll laugh at the strip and then post any comment I want.And enjoy everyone else who does.

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    NEMO1967  almost 13 years ago

    agagam sge look mean.. funny…

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    Jungleman  almost 13 years ago

    Born manipulator … as everyone else …

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    Notgiven  almost 13 years ago

    Because he can’t get everything in there.

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  17. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  almost 13 years ago

    She probably takes the time to fold everything. :-)

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    thib318  almost 13 years ago

    for goodness sake, it’s a comic strip.

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    ronin1701  almost 13 years ago

    It’s not as if he’s going to Timbuktu. If he’s going to the annual ODA/CDA convention in Toronto then there’s plenty of places for him to pick up spare clothes and toiletries.

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    gailatkinson  almost 13 years ago

    Puddleglum, this conversation DOES happen between married people – and it didn’t only happen 30 years ago, it still happens. Probably because women are care-givers by nature so we tend to take over the role that the husbands mother did for YEARS. (My kids pack their own suitcases and they’ve learned not to forget stuff).The first and last time my husband asked me to pack for him I put all kinds of ugly things for him to wear (with enough decent items that he would barely be ok). When he asked why, I responded that when he started packing my suitcase I would be happy to pack his. He said he would never pack mine and I said thank you for making my job easier. I think he got it after a few days.

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  21. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 13 years ago

    " . . . because I’d rather bitch at the lousy job you do than get off my lazy rear-end and do it myself!"

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    iced tea  almost 13 years ago

    She’ll remember to pack all those items this time. You know how men are, they can’t do things on their own. I’ve heard of one woman who fed her husband spaghetti in bed once. And there wasn’t a thing wrong with him. I can just go on and on…

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  23. Miserichord5small
    Miserichord  almost 13 years ago

    In the 70’s, my college days, the dorm I lived in had a women’s tower and a men’s tower. The men’s had a workout room on the lowest floor, the women’s had a full kitchen.

    The Dining hall didn’t serve an evening meal on Saturday.

    I did very well with the ladies when they discovered I could prepare multi course meals in a variety of national styles.

    As a military dependent, I learned the local dishes for every country where we were stationed.

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    Celizabee  almost 13 years ago

    John being a jerk is the strip’s punchline. If it had ended with a kiss and a thank-you, it wouldn’t be funny.

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