Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 27, 2011
Doll: Where we going? It feels cold! Like Alaska! Booo! Sam: It's time to say goodbye, Sarah. I'm no longer a child. Doll: Your funeral! If God blesses me to become hot again, you'll regret it! There could be another tour! Sam: Good luck, Sarah! Doll: Wait! When's the limo picking me up?
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
You limo will be provided by the Sanitation Department; it will take you to the ash heap of history.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Do I love this perspicacious child? Are W, Dick, Colon and Condoleezza all out of office? Did Arthur C. Clarke write “Childhood’s End”? As soon as she’s 35 years old: SAM FOR PRESIDENT.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
Since I don’t follow Muir, I find him a bit ambiguous re Palin in the referred strip: Assuming that the woman to Ms. President’s right is her daughter, what is the daughter’s wish? Is the strip meant to be ironic and satirical dream (nightmare) sequence? And: Is the black infant Ms. President is holding a veiled reference to her own alleged dalliance with a black basketball star?
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
The characters in the last panel of Muir’s strip are 2 regular characters. The redhead’s wish was that Palin would have run and been elected President in 2012. The black child is the other woman’s child (her husband is black).
Muir’s pathological obsession for Palin is only equalled by his psychotic hatred of Obama. In previous scripts he has accused Obama of shutting down lemonade, responsible for the persecution of Christians in Libya, and not handling the death Kim Jong Il effectively.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“They shall have stars at elbow and foot;Though they go mad they shall be sane”. —The real Dylan Thomas, “And Death Shall Have No Dominion”. Born October 27, 1914, Swansea, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Died November 9, 1953, age 39, of “a massive alcoholic insult to the brain” (according to the doctor), Manhattan, NY, USA (while on a reading tour).
jnik23260 about 13 years ago
Maybe Sarah Doll shouldn’t have tried to mutiny and overthrow Sam.
Alabama Al about 13 years ago
Whew! If the three daily strips of “Day by Day” I viewed are representative of the strip as a whole, then “DBD” makes “Mallard Fillmore” look like “Tom the Dancing Bug.”
Ensoh about 13 years ago
Well, Sarah seems to have built herself another “Bridge to Nowhere,” using gobs of other folks’ money. I wonder: If she could connect her new BTN up to the old one, would it take us all right back to where we were before?
roctor about 13 years ago
I was going to comment on the strip, but my oatbran muffin just kicked in.
Coyoty Premium Member about 13 years ago
It’ll be a squoosh limo.
JosephBidenJr99 about 13 years ago
WOW! The mere mention of Sarah activates the socialists in droves!!!
rockngolfer about 13 years ago
I left this elsewhere, but you guys might enjoy Rachael Maddows reaction to Fox News and “DEATH” Palin on the President’s Christmas card.
Buzza Wuzza about 13 years ago
I’m just glad she’s not recycling that doll.
corzak about 13 years ago
Sorry. No sympathy. I’m an independent contractor with pre-existing condition. I pay all medical costs out of pocket. Republicans are telling me there’ll be NO Medicare for me AT ALL when I retire in 15 years (or 17, if retirement age raised). Social Security gone too if they have their way.Current retirees are receiving triple what they put into the system. Take the money Sharuniboy and be happy. I’m paying for you AND for the crooked bankers, CEOs, etc.And I’ll get nothing in return, apparently. Ever.
pstampfel Premium Member about 13 years ago
“if god blesses me to be hot again”. good writing.
8arkay about 13 years ago
So she throws away a box of perfectly good dolls, instead of donating them? How sad.
tigre1 about 13 years ago
Met Palin in AK when she was running for something. I mean, shook hands in a coffee shop. Nothing much there. Conservatives are easily swayed. Mostly by their ears, I think. I don’t know if I’ve ever met a real socialist. Biden, is being able to spot socialists like having ‘gaydar’? You’d know, wouldn’t you?
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
To seek a “braver newer world”. Huxley was being socially satirical in his 1931 novel “Brave New World” — RFK wasn’t.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
“Who knows what havoc she might wreak on the next child who gets her?” Gonna be fun watching Doll Palin burrow her way through 20 feet of dozer-compacted garbage to the surface of the dump! (Hi, babygirl! —dtπ.)
DylanThomas3.14159 about 13 years ago
deangup about 13 years ago
Premature. Sarah is still good for a lot more laughs. See above!
corzak about 13 years ago
@leftwingpatriot, @DT3.1 . . . lol! i’m not mad at you two! I’m a bit cranky today. Blood sugar issues.
corzak about 13 years ago
My grandparents are deceased, parents deceased; no children. I have a pre-exisitng condition. I pay for ‘treatment’ out-of-pocket, so it’s insufficient (I know the prices DT!). Even if there was something waiting for me at 65, it’s unlikely that I’ll make it there. (I should have started retirement planning at age 22.)As an contractor, I pay (what is for me) a good chunk of taxes, with the feeling that it’s money spent on others’ well-being, not my own.I guess I’m perturbed at what appears to be a breaking of the social contract, and that from now on it might be every man for himself. But that is the ‘human normal’ for most of human history, and in most countries today . . .
corzak about 13 years ago
@leftwingpatriot, @DT3.1, It not the taxes that bothers me. If I knew my taxes were going to investment in the nation’s future, to innovation and worker re-training, to universal healthcare and public education, I’d be proud and thrilled to be paying.
Whitecamry about 13 years ago
Say hello to Ron Headrest for me!