Rosa: "We don't have to worry about Leslie Knox anymore - thanks to you, Gunther. You've really grown"
Gunther: "Zero to here, huh?"
Rosa: "You've never been a zero to me"
Gunther: "Oh. Well, um..."
Rosa: "In MOST areas"
Gunther: "Yes. I'm rather... um..."
ShagsCA almost 13 years ago
Oh, just kiss him, Rosa! He won’t start things, as you know…
Shooter918 almost 13 years ago
He’s shy…having an overprotective mother will do that to a guy.
legaleagle48 almost 13 years ago
Since when does being shy and awkward around women automatically translate to being gay? Welcome to 2012, people — that stereotype is as dated (and as inaccurate) as last year’s newspaper headings!
Bashis almost 13 years ago
Ottodesu almost 13 years ago
Has ANYONE ever met a Gay man who is awkward around women? Why should they be awkward?Gunther’s uncertainty about this hot girl is the most definite proof that he is possibly the LEAST Gay character here.Same sort of thing is going on with Quill and Luann (remember her?), both are so attracted to each other that they are scared of making fools of themselves.I have a theory that the bold, forthright guys who have never had shyness or fear of women are really latent Gay. The older I am getting, the more likely it seems. My fears are behind me, age has helped. Age has also been kind to my sixty year old brother (formerly dorkus maximus in his teens) exudes so much confidence that women half his age seek him out. I thought he was joking until I saw it happening last month. He was such a dork until his early twenties.
DaJellyBelly almost 13 years ago
It seems that Rosa has had her eyes on Gunther for a while. In the second panel, it looks like she wants to adjoin her lips to Gunther’s. However, he has thrust that piece of paper in front of his face, thus thwarting her intentions. That is why she looks peeved in the last panel.
Ottodesu almost 13 years ago
In brief, Men are only shy around people they really want to get involved with.
Ottodesu almost 13 years ago
And yes, I know it is just a cartoon, but I am disappointed that it was all going so well until she put her hand on his shoulder. She is too young to understand why.
TheNihilist almost 13 years ago
The shy and ackweird phase of teen romances. Where the wanting is better than the getting. At least it isn’t too sticky sweet – yet
ComicLaff almost 13 years ago
Damn boy, she likes ya! Respond like a Man!!
DuHhozr almost 13 years ago
I’m glad he expanded his wardrobe to blue plaid!
DuHhozr almost 13 years ago
Maybe he really wishes he was a six or a nine or both!
violinrules almost 13 years ago
what a wimp!
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
Gunther fears doing something wrong (he’s not sure exactly what) and losing this beautiful girl who actually likes him. He wants to do something, but is tied up in knots inside. If only Rosa can be a little more explicit, in a gentle way, he will respond!
cdward almost 13 years ago
I’m kind of surprised by the acid comments. This is a comic about teenage awkwardness. It is completely common (and normal) for teenage boys to be totally shy around girls they like. Don’t you guys ever spend time around teenagers?
draksig almost 13 years ago
Please be the end of the bully story?
chicken 33 almost 13 years ago
Purse hanging on desk. I knew it a real one would fall off but this being a modern school some one would lift it. Most likely a teacher.
Detroit1967 almost 13 years ago
I really feel sorry for Rosa. She has done everything she could, short of losing her dignity, to make her intentions known to Gunther. Even if she resorted to “Tiffany Techniques” it would do no good. What will it take for Gunther to “come of age”?
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
Whew! When you started talking about Gunther worrying about “end game” I was expecting something else prematurely.
Chuck373 almost 13 years ago
Back to a babbling idiot! How sad.
Chuck373 almost 13 years ago
Les has got him by the coller, lifted of the floor, and his thinking is clear as a bell. Rosa places on hand on him and he completely shuts down.
LiviaBay almost 13 years ago
Come on Guther get your game on…..
Tinyman almost 13 years ago
From Yesterdays coments:I have lost track of this comic strip for a whiledue to personal stuff. Zach refreshed my memory metioning Dirk ,her former boyfriend. I remember him being over agressive. What exactly happened with that situation with him being jailed? Thanks.
Hugh Manatee almost 13 years ago
Square peg, round hole…and this interminable arc isn’t going anywhere. I friggin’ give up.
Tinyman almost 13 years ago
Ease up a little Rosa. After a lifetime of being put down teased, made fun of or not getting this type of attention he is so not used to this type of situation. It took me a while before I got out of my shell too. Most girls I knew just hung around me long enough to pass math or science class and they never bothered with me again.
Tinyman almost 13 years ago
@Mordock999:I remember in the movie “Ladybugs” Rodney Dangerfield said, “One thing for sure. Soccer has alot of Balls”.
ekw555 almost 13 years ago
Kranadon has the lovely combination of neanderthal thinking & Flyers logo.sort of goes hand in hand . . .
Finbar Gurdy almost 13 years ago
Kranadon’s gay…
Nelly55 almost 13 years ago
so flagged for being inappropriate
doctormcq almost 13 years ago
Why is shy “gay”? What is wrong with shy?
doctormcq almost 13 years ago
first descent comment in weeks!
tomshelly1990 almost 13 years ago
How long is Greg gonna string us along with this story line? For Heaven’s sake and our sanity…..Gunth, lay a lip lock on that Hottie!!!
smiling4Him almost 13 years ago
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Not gay, only a fool would think that..He’s a teen and they are afraid of making a mistake or being thought of a being fool..He also scared he if does make a mistake she won’t want to be with him any more. Basically he doesn’t know what to do, or how to do it. Even kissing..Again, not gay, just scared.
Airman almost 13 years ago
Get out the cables, Rosa. Gunther needs a jump start. One hand on either side of the head, and pull him into a smothering kiss. If that doesn’t do it, I’m afraid you’d better just give up, because Gunther doesn’t have the emotional maturity yet to handle a boy/girl relationship.
bryan42 almost 13 years ago
I’m not sure, of course, but judging by his comments on various comics my guess is that Kranadon is the new name of JohnAbrahms.
ILikeMeSomeComics almost 13 years ago
You’ll die a virgin, Gunth.
clanclayton almost 13 years ago
dblbaraje almost 13 years ago
Gunther is a late bloomer (nothing to do with gay)!
RadioTom almost 13 years ago
Having been EXACTLY where Gunther is right now…. No, definitely NOT gay. Just so utterly terrified of doing the wrong thing, making the wrong move… OK, so if I try to kiss her on the cheek, will she cry “rape”? Some guys do subconsciously (or not-so-subconsciously) fear the rejection of being misunderstood in the aggressive direction. Or are just utterly clueless when their hormones get in the way of a perfectly-good friendship, having little or no experience with such advanced relationships. Problem with being a late-bloomer; also, as mentioned, a possible victim of an over-protective parent; or an overly-strict religious upbringing, and Gunther hasn’t separated the allegory from the truth beneath it.
ewalnut almost 13 years ago
Come on Gunther. You want to be alone all your life? Give her what she wants or you’ll lose her.
VirginiaCityLady almost 13 years ago
My thoughts exactly: KISS HIM!
Bucinka almost 13 years ago
A classroom isn’t the best place for a first kiss. They really need some more privacy.
hippogriff almost 13 years ago
cdward: They haven’t been around teens because they fear someone will think they are pedophiles (or really are and are hiding it). The real question is why they don’t remember when they were that age. It may take a professional to help them answer that.
Airman almost 13 years ago
I also agree with Nelly55. That term has no place in this forum.
imbaldeagle almost 13 years ago
Finish the sentence, Gunther. “Yes, I’m rather… um…awkward around lovely women, especially ones that I LIKE a lot.”
Chuck373 almost 13 years ago
Good thing I wasn’t drinking my coffee when i read this.
shotsy5 almost 13 years ago
what has happened to their noses???
Hoodude almost 13 years ago
Rosa’s so hawt she smokes.But she’s not getting what she wants either.Wonder…
angeldscoobydoo Premium Member almost 13 years ago
No, he’s not. Gay men are not this awkward around women. I know because I am a gay man and most of my friends are female.
MelvinLott almost 13 years ago
Finally! A voice of reason
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
: )still growing, i see…
Gerry Lee almost 13 years ago
Gunther is very realistic, that terror of ‘the closer you think you are, the more you have to lose’ was very real to me as a teen. Rosa, on the other hand, isn’t very realistic at all. Why is she this fixated on a guy that half the posters in this forum can’t stand? A lot of real girls have self esteem problems too. When a boy keeps shying away from their advances, they feel puzzled, insecure, and worry there is something wrong with them. I hope she won’t stay a 2 dimensional character for very long. She should drop Gunther for awhile. Maybe one day, when he’s more mature, they can be together…
Tiffany is so shallow she is a comic character, and I LoVE her! I burst out laughing when she squealed ‘This is like a movie!’ when she and Quill had the same flight to California. What I want to see is Gunther play Cyrano for Ox who is in love with Tiffany (or Rosa, how about that). Except I’d get lynched by other posters for asking for more Gunther, ha ha ha!
greg_liu almost 13 years ago
Well, he’s not gutless, as evidenced by how he dealt with Knox, and he’s clearly no ‘mo, so Rosa’s just going to have to take him in the library and make a man out of him.
Chocoloop almost 13 years ago
Okay dude, let’s end this story line which has been so boring. Let’s start a new thread with Luann. It’s called Luann, not Gunther. Just sayin
Mr. Tinkles almost 13 years ago
It would be easier if he could accept a compliment!
Tinyman almost 13 years ago
Hi All:OK. Just wondering what ever happened with dirk? I read in some of yesterdays comments that he was in jail for some reason or anoter. I have recently started reading louanne again after some time due to some stuff happeneng. OK thanks.
lance96816 almost 13 years ago
Gunter is responding as a nerd not a gay. A gay is comfortable around opposite sex, whereas a a nerd gets uncomfortable around anyone that he likes, be it a girl or a guy.
dfowensby almost 13 years ago
doubt it. he’s probably just getting tired of this Happy Days garbage, too.
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
How I remember. Actually am so out of practice and surprised that younger women sometimes hang around me…I’m just about as awkward as he is.
I’m pretty old, and they’re pretty…and young. How much and what can I give them? Hmmm…might as well find out. Been a fool before, huh. Might get some pleasure here, so I’ll follow up this time. Take it further.
Airman almost 13 years ago
I like Gunther & Rosa, but I’d really like to see Crystal get a good storyline, instead of just dropping one-liners and zingers. I totally love the ditzy Tiffany, but Toni & Brad & TJ don’t float my boat.
webgrunt almost 13 years ago
This gag is becoming extremely overused.